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Next Generation Anti - Aging Therapeutics

Zdravlje našeg organizma je poput ptičijeg jata koje funkcioniše kao celina i kada je potrebno, brzo menja smer čuvajući osnovno JEDINSTVO, zahvaljujući dobroj ćelijskoj komunikaciji. To zahteva savršen informacioni sistem i dovoljno energije za upravljanje i podršku potrebnim autoregulatornim procesima pa je korišćenje proizvoda i sprovođenje tretmana koji u većini slučajeva samo otklanjaju simptome zdravstvenih problema i maskiraju vidljive manifestacije starenja samo bacanje novaca i gubljenje vremena. 

Discover the only system that addresses all critical factors for human health and reverse aging, allowing you to correct all aspects of the body: its information, energy and physiology. Quantum Wellness conceptallows experts of different specialtiesto restore client health using our 3-step process:

DIAGNOSTIC – detection,testing and analysis
DETOXIFICATION – body and cell inside
REPAIR – energy, information and functional



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 Dizajniramo personalizovane programe sa ciljem otklanjanja bilo kojeg estetskog ili zdravstvenog problema uz mogućnost predviđanja rezultata i praćenja efikasnosti svega što klijent sprovodi.

Sve dijagnostičko terapeutske procedure sprovode se u položaju koji nudi osećaj sličan nultoj gravitaciji a kompletna procedura je  prijatna i bez bilo kojih kontraindikacija. Kako to i praktično izgleda, možete pogledati na sledećem videu 

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About us

Author Quantum Wellness conceptA

Dr sci. med. Marina Luketina Šunjka

Marina je od decembra 2019 u Evropskom centru za mir i razvoj, Univerziteta za mir Ujedinjenih nacija (ECPD) operativni direktor studijskog programa Specijalističkih akademskih studija iz oblasti kvantno informacione medicine i funkcionalne ishrane. Doktorirala je na Medicinskom fakultetu u Kragujevcu dok na ECPD fakultetu (University for Peace established by the United Nations) priprema doktorat u oblasti menadžmenta u zdravstvu. Od 2003 godine saradjuje sa Institutom za razvoj kvantne medicine i bio informacionih tehnologija iz Ukraine. 

Naši klijenti razumeju važnost ćelijskog zdravlja i prevencije i spremni su da vode računa o svom zdravlju i ishrani ali su mnogi kroz lično iskustvo shvatili da programi koji podrazumevaju pijenje “šarenih sokića na kojima su ispisani brojevi od 1 do 5, brojanje kalorija i vežbanje do iznemoglosti nije rešenje.

Oni traže razumno objašnjenje i rešenja za svoje fizičke, estetske i emocionalne probleme pre nego donesu oduku da bilo šta rade. Oni žele zameniti loše navike sa onim koje su za njihovo zdravlje dobre ali se postavlja pitanje kako odabrati u moru kontradiktornih informacija.


Mišljenja smo da su različiti programi, ishrana i tretmani, samo sredstva čiji je cilj normalizacija ključnih faktora od kojih zavisi zdravlje. Da bi to postigli, tretmani, hrana ili dodatci ishrani, moraju biti prilagođeni svakoj osobi.

Kroz praksu shvatili smo da je svaka osoba jedinstvena i da jedan program neće dati očekivane rezultate u svim slučajevima. Takođe brzina oporavka i postizanje rezultata bili su različiti i zavisili su od puno faktora. Genetika, način života, ishrane, emocionalno stanje ali i različite paradigme u velikoj meri utiču na postizanje rezultata. Bez obzira na to koliko smo se trudili, bilo je praktično nemoguće pronaći rešenje koje će odgovarati svakoj osobi.


Preuzimanje odgovornosti za svoje zdravlje jedno je od najboljih dugoročnih ulaganja koje ćete ikada napraviti.

Bolest nikada nije slučajnost, već rezultat našeg načina života. Uz brojne svakodnevne obaveze često je teško voditi računa o zdravlju zbog čega smo razvili programe kojima im u tome pomažemo. 

Samo ako vaš organizam besprekorno funkcioniše i ako se ćelije mogu aktivno replicirati (deliti) i zameniti one koje su oštećene, možete pobediti bolest i usporiti degenerativne simptome starenja. Quantum wellness programi fokusiraju se na vaše zdravlje i izgled na ćelijskom nivou. Kombinujući iskustvo integrativne sa inovativnim tehnološkim dostignućima, napravićemo program koji je 100% prilagođen vašim potrebama i mogućnostima. Ne samo da ćete se osećati podmlađeno, uravnoteženo i bez stresa, nego ćete tako i izgledati.

Bez obzira koji je estetski ili zdravstveni problem u pitanju, prvi korak je razumevanje šta je to što nam organizam želi “reći” i šta mu je potrebno da savršeno funkcioniše. Tek nakon toga možemo vam predložiti programe od kojih će te imati koristi.



functional health and diet assessment

Ključ dugovečnosti leži u prevenciji bolesti a ključ prevencije je dobra funkcionalna dijagnostika

Kada ste zadnji put obavili zdravstveni pregled koji je podrazumevao nešto više od analize krvi? Ako je odgovor davno ili nikad onda je pravo vreme da uradite nešto dobro za sebe ili osobe do kojih vam je stalo.

Bez obzira da li imate problem sa kilogramima, nadimanjem, hroničnim umorom ili imate alergiju, dijabetes ili želite podići imunitet i usporiti svoj biološki sat, potrebno je da razumemo kako funkcioniše vaš organizam i gde postoje nepravilnosti u njegovom radu.

Naš vikend check up nudi vam mogućnost da saznate važne informacije o svom zdravlju ali i da uživate u lepotama Beograda ili Katara. Program funkcionalne i nutritivne procena u Beogradu podrazumeva boravak u trajanju od 2 dana dok program u Kataru podrazumeva programe od 7 ili 14 dana.

Sve dijagnostičke procedure su prijatne, bez bilo kakvih kontraindikacija i obavljaju se inovativnoj High Teach Quantum kapsuli, dok udobno ležite u položaju koji nudi osećaj sličan onom u nultoj gravitaciji. Analiziraćemo ključne faktore od kojih zavisi vaše zdravlje kako bismo saznali kako je dosadašnji način života i ishrane uticao na vaše zdravlje, gde postoje nepravilnosti u radu vašeg organizma i šta je njihov uzrok. Testiraćemo kako vaš organizam reaguje na vašu omiljenu hranu a ukoliko želite možete saznati i kako vaše telo reaguje na suplemente koje konzumirate ili kozmetiku koju svakodnevno koristite.

Nakon svega, dobićete izveštaje svih analiza, jasnu sliku vašeg trenutnog zdravstvenog stanja i predlog za dalje korake. Kako to i praktično izgleda pogledajte na sledećem videu. Saznaj više…

WANT TO LIVE BETER? Discover what works for your body and cells.

Think about when you take your car into the shop for an inspection. In order to examine the condition of the car, the mechanic opens the hood, checks the fluids, and inspects the working components.

Quantum Zone analysis is the same idea, except instead of examining your engine oil level or testing the battery life “looking under the hood” and understanding what areas you need to improve on in order to achieve a healthy body composition and functions you will look and feel so much better! The Quantum Wellness Functional Health Assessment is designed to get you started on your road to optimal health and a better life. More info…


Holistic detox Week

If you don’t detox you will never get well

Čišćenje organizma prvi je korak ka poboljšanju vašeg zdravlja, imuniteta i vitalnosti.

Postoji bezbroj načina čišćenja ili detoksikacije organizma. Ako ukucate na Google pretraživaču “Kako se detoksikovati”  imaćete više od 70.000.000 predloga. Internet, iako je često važan i neprocjenjiv , takođe može biti izuzetno komplikovan sa beskrajnom količinom mogućnosti.  Ako imate vremena to je ok, ali ako cenite svoje vreme onda je ovo opcija za vas. Nakon Health Check vikenda u našem matičnom centru dobićete izveštaje svih testova i analiza i jasnu sliku vašeg trenutnog zdravstvenog stanja i predlog za dalje korake. Sobzirom da je program detoksikacije provi korak predložićemo vam dve opcije:

  • Program u trajanju od 4 nedelje koji uz našu podršku sprovodite sami.
  • Holistic Detox program u trajanju od 7 ili 14 dana u našem centru.   Saznaj više…

If in need of a jumpstart, science based nutritional detox program, we offer a 10; 14 or 21-day, proprietary blended kit to help those looking for a quality centered, nutrient dense alternative.

Cleansing is designed to remove harmful toxins from the body where they are causing the problem. While many people focus on eliminating toxic food, which is important, but there are many other toxins that people encounter that are not food related. Our detox doesn’t just focus on removing toxic food; it looks at all the potential toxins a person encounters on a daily basis and aims to remove them as much as possible from the body and environment. Before a person begins a detox, it’s important to know what the potential toxins are and where they originate.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body to filter the blood, eliminate certain microorganisms and manage the growth of body cells. Our program improves the functions of the liver through detoxifying therapies and a specific diet, optimizes the metabolism and gives energy. The intensive liver cleanse week improves the functions of this very important organ and the gallbladder …

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biohacking holidays

If you don’t detox you will never get well

Ova opcija nudi mogućnost da da delujete na ključne faktore od kojih zavisi zdravlje i procesi starenja

Bio-hacking je inovativan koncept koji podrazumeva korišćenje nauke i tehnologije u cilju poboljšanja ličnog zdravlja.  Tony Robbins ga opisuje kao  „ uticaj na zdravlje i procese starenja eksperimentisanjem uz pomoć inovativnih tehnoloških dostignuća i nauke“ . Bazira se na prilagođavanju načina života, ishrane, suplementacije i tretmana svakoj osobi. U kombinaciji sa tretmanima u  Quantum kapsuli i opuštajućem okruženju, ovaj program nudi kompletno rešenje za sve koji žele da uživaju u životu. U zavisnosti od ciljeva koji se žele postići ovaj program ima nekoliko nivoa i traje između 3 i 6 meseci.

Nakon Health Check vikenda u našem matičnom centru definisaćemo način na koji želite da sprovodite program. Prvi nivo počinje sedmodnevnim Biohacking  programom u nekom hotelu.

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Taking self-care to the next level, bio-hacking is the wellness trend that started making headlines in 2020 and is expected to continue trending into 2021. A science-charged version of self-enhancement, biohacking, according to Tony Robbins’ website, is “changing our chemistry and our physiology through science and experimentation to energise and enhance the body”. It is based on determining the eating patterns and lifestyle best suited for the individual body type. When combined with Quantum Pod a relaxing environment, it can offer the opportunity to detox and create a wellness routine through intermittent fasting, red light therapy, supplements and music therapy. More info…

Health Check Week

functional health evaluation.

The key to lifelong health lies in disease prevention and health maintenance, and the key to prevention is health assessment.

 When was the last time you had a health check that went further than blood work? During our holistic program, we look at your detoxification and regulatory systems, autonomic nervous system and more to understand what is going on and help you gain optimal long-term health.

WANT TO LIVE BETER? Discover what works for your body and cells.

Think about when you take your car into the shop for an inspection. In order to examine the condition of the car, the mechanic opens the hood, checks the fluids, and inspects the working components.

Quantum Zone analysis is the same idea, except instead of examining your engine oil level or testing the battery life “looking under the hood” and understanding what areas you need to improve on in order to achieve a healthy body composition and functions you will look and feel so much better! The Quantum Wellness Functional Health Assessment is designed to get you started on your road to optimal health and a better life. More info…

Detox Intensive Week

If you don’t detox you will never get well

Cleansing your body is the first step to improving your health, increasing vitality, and restoring body and mind balance.

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body to filter the blood, eliminate certain microorganisms and manage the growth of body cells. Our program improves the functions of the liver through detoxifying therapies and a specific diet, optimizes the metabolism and gives energy. The intensive liver cleanse week improves the functions of this very important organ and the gallbladder …

There are countless ways in which one can go about the detoxification process. A Google search of “How to detox” returns over 127,000,000 hits. The internet, while a priceless tool in the ability to self educate, can also be extremely daunting with the endless amount of choices at your fingertips.

If in need of a jumpstart, science based nutritional detox program, we offer a 10; 14 or 21-day, proprietary blended kit to help those looking for a quality centered, nutrient dense alternative.

Cleansing is designed to remove harmful toxins from the body where they are causing the problem. While many people focus on eliminating toxic food, which is important, but there are many other toxins that people encounter that are not food related. Our detox doesn’t just focus on removing toxic food; it looks at all the potential toxins a person encounters on a daily basis and aims to remove them as much as possible from the body and environment. Before a person begins a detox, it’s important to know what the potential toxins are and where they originate. More info…

Rejuvenation Program

reverse aging at the cellular level

A innovative system that reestablishes the proper flow of energy and information to the body’s energetic fields to promote health.

To solve any health concern, we must first strengthen the body so it can function properly and fight off disease. We provide a fully-customized 21-day plan with diagnostics and therapies to give you answers, strengthen your body and redirect you on a path of living a healthier life! The 21-day individual program aims to understand the cause of your condition, provides answers and redirects …

Cellular Anti-aging Therapy is innovative available for slowing, and even reversing, the aging process in patients that are seeking an all natural, non-surgical treatment option. If you are interested in taking control of your cellular health and addressing anti-aging, schedule an appointment with of Marina to measure the health of your cells and provide a personalized, tailored natural treatment protocol. CONTACT US…