high - tech health and diet pods

quantum zone

is a groundbreaking health and wellness solution, providing innovative analysis, enabling communities to take control of their health by monitoring and tracking their numbers and following personalised nutrition and fitness plans

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high - tech health and diet pods

quantum zone

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Quantum Zone is a groundbreaking health and wellness solution, providing innovative analysis, enabling communities to take control of their health by monitoring and tracking their numbers and following personalised nutrition and fitness plans


Inovativna Quantum kapsula koja će biti predstavljena na štandu Srbije na exspo izložbi u Dubaiju omogućiće posetiocijma sajma da se upoznaju sa njenim dijagnostičko terapeutskim mogućnostima. Zahvaljujući inovativnim hardverima i softverima sada je moguće saznati važne inoformacije o zdravlju bez bola, hemije i zračenja. Za samo petnestak minuta kolio traje skeniranje kompletnog organizma, moćni softver omogućiće nam nekoliko stotina izveštaja. Pored onih uobičajenih ( visina pritiska, nivo kiseonika, šećera, procenta masnoće i tečnosti) posetioci sajma će imati priliku da udju u kapsulu i da se upoznaju sa svim dijagnostičko terapeutskim mogućnostima ovog moćnog sistema.

Kvantne zone mogu naći primenu u teretanama, fitness, wellness, spa i beauty centrima ali i kompanijama koje žele da podignu energiju i produktivnost zaposlenih.

Na ovaj način moguće je motivisati zajednicu i pojednce da više povedu računa o svom zdravlju, spreče ozbiljne bolesti. Implementacija ovakvih sistema u jednoj državi može značajno da poveća efikasnost zdravstva ali i da smanji troškove. Ovo je naročito značajno u današnje vreme kada je zdravstvo opterećeno kovid pancijentima i kada se malo pažnje može posvetiti problemima gojaznosti, dijabetesa, kardio vaskularnim i malignim problemima.

Aautoru Quantu Wellness koncepta, trebalo je više od 20 godina da pronikne u sve tajne ove tehnologije kako bi danas ovaj sistem dovela do ovog nivoa efikasnosti i pouzdanost.  Kao nagrada za trud i upornost su zadovljni klijenti u Srbiji, UAE i Qataru.


The revolutionary Bodyo pod will be unveiled at Dubai’s Arab Health Exhibition on 29 January until 1 February, where visitors will be able to step inside the futuristic health pod and track their blood pressure, blood sugar, fat mass, muscle mass, hydration, height and weight for free.

The pods are the first of their kind and will be rolled out to gyms, hospitals, pharmacies, malls and offices etc across Dubai and the United Arab Emirates, empowering communities to take charge of their health, prevent serious illnesses and lower health insurance, at a time when obesity has doubled; diabetes is a growing concern globally and physical activity rate has dropped.

Bodyo creator, Patrice Coutard, spent years analysing health and fitness stats in his role as UAE Soccer Team National Fitness Coach, and believes we could all benefit from a better knowledge of our own ‘numbers’.

He says: “We’ve all been there – we sign up to a gym and for two or three months, we workout regularly. But then we jump on the scales and we see that we’ve lost maybe one or two pounds, or we’ve even become heavier. That makes us lose our enthusiasm – what’s the point in all that hard work if it’s not making any difference and we stop going to the gym? But by analysing our figures we could see that our body fat has decreased, our muscle mass has increased and we’re far healthier than we were before.”

“Access to these statistics can motivate us, help us understand our bodies better and show us areas we need to improve. And more importantly, the statistics are delivered in a way that anybody can understand with a simple dashboard.”

The Bodyo App is free to download on your mobile from 29 January 2018.

Once you’ve created a profile, it takes the data from the Bodyo pod or Smart Devices and provides individually tailored solutions, suited to your body-type, lifestyle and health needs and helps you reach set goals. They include:

Online coaching
400 pre-designed programs
Remote professional assistance from trainers, nutritionists and doctors
200 tests
300,000+ healthy meals catering to a variety of cultures
3,000+ fitness exercises
Tracking your physical data, daily activities and sleeping patterns
Training based on interests, abilities and experiences with a virtual trainer
Monitoring your nutrition plan with online nutritionist
Monitoring sleep patterns and resting heart rate.

The app can connect to more than 50 wearable devices and is compatible with mobile phones, weighing scales, cholesterol meters, accelerometers, GPS Pulse Oxymeter and heart rate ECG Glucometers, etc.

It also sends messages and personalised reminders to keep you on track and connects you to likeminded individuals within the Bodyo community, with similar health and wellness goals.

Coaches, personal trainers, wellness and health professionals can transform their working lives, by using Bodyo to save time; handle large groups of clients/patients, oversee their training or nutrition remotely, create programmes and motivate them to reach their goals.

Bodyo is also crucial for corporates, with a sedentary, deskbased workforce who are often too busy to plan or prepare balanced diets or exercises. Bodyo can transform them into happier, healthier and more productive teams.