Information as the New Medicine
The idea of information as medicine may seem radically different. How can something as intangible as “information” have any effect on your body, never mind on the state of your health? It may sound unbelievable, or at least unfamiliar to you, but let’s explore how it works. A perfect example of this is the marvel of life itself. We all start from a single cell that divides over and over again, forming tissues and organs, ultimately creating a functioning human-being.
The Body’s Healing Powers
Did you ever think about how your body instinctively knows what to do? If you cut your finger, bruise your knee, or catch a cold, your body knows how to heal itself. It is equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms. It knows how to kill faulty cells, fix broken proteins, slow aging, eliminate toxins, fight infections, get rid of foreign bodies, and otherwise keep us healthy. The great mystery of conventional biology is how we are “self-organizing” systems. It seems to “know” what to do, and it seems to have an “information code” that tells it how to grow and repair.
How miraculous is that? And how exactly does nature know what to do?
The answer is “information.” Information describes the way our systems are organized, but information also directs the development of that system to create “life”.
Cellular communication is an umbrella term used in biology and more in depth in biophysics, biochemistry and biosemiotics to identify different types of communication methods between living cellulites. Some of the methods include cell signaling among others. This process allows millions of cells to communicate and work together to perform important bodily processes that are necessary for survival. Both multicellular and unicellular organisms heavily rely on cell-cell communication.
Humans and animals resonate with the rhythm of the energies that surround them. This concerns all cells – even down to atoms. Disharmony between body energies and the energies they are surrounded by lead to disturbances, and finally illnesses and death. The entire purpose of our approach teaches you how to correct the DNA production of cells. When a person has cancer or some other disease the cells now have damage to them and each day the body produces some an estimated 500 million new cells. These ‘new cells’ are a mirror image or ‘photocopy’ of the original cells.
If the original is damaged then the copy will be damaged or lacking as well. That is why we need to correct the ‘original document’, the DNA. Otherwise it will keep on producing millions and trillions of defective ‘copies’.
Quantum Wellness offers a completely non-invasive method of diagnosis and treatment, practically unlimited in its ability to diagnose the cause of the cellular electrical imbalance of the ailment and symptoms and provide the balancing treatment of electro-magnetic frequencies to the cells and bring them back into harmony, thus returning the patient back to health.
Did you ever think about how your body instinctively knows what to do? If you cut your finger, bruise your knee, or catch a cold, your amazing body knows how to heal itself. It is beautifully equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms. It knows how to kill faulty cells, fix broken proteins, slow aging, eliminate toxins, fight infections, get rid of foreign bodies, and otherwise keep you healthy. The great mystery of conventional biology is how we are “self-organizing” systems. Your body doesn’t just choose functions at random. It seems to “know” what to do, and many scientists are now saying the body has its own kind of inherent intelligence. It seems to have an “information code” that tells it how to grow and repair.
When people heal from a disease without modern interventions, bio-chemical medicine has no framework to explain these events. They often dismiss them as spontaneous remissions… or the result of some kind of placebo effect. But is it a miraculous cure or can science explain how the body heals? Mystics and healers claim we are “energy beings” surrounded by a complex, structured network of fields that interpenetrate the human physical body.
Ukrainian scientist, PhD in Biophysics and Medicine Professor Skrypnyuk, back in 1989, experimentally proved that besides matter and energy, information can also be used as a means of treatment. The basis of therapy constitutes bioinformatics – the science that studies the processes of obtaining, processing, storage and transmission of information in living organisms. In 1989, Professor Skrypnyuk in the Kiev department, Kharkov institute of neurology and psychiatry Protopopov, formulated the basics of therapy. Professor Skrypnyuk is a PhD in biological sciences who demonstrated that cells communicate with each other via signals. Such signals basically represent cellular language. The cellular language may be in written or oral form. The written language is used inside the cytoplasmic part of the cell. Through a synthesis of various enzymes and protein chains, the cell accurately spells certain information. They can be writen so that in fact they are like a USB memory stick or a CD on which certain information can be entered or deleted. The DNA chain located in the cell nucleus, is the most important part of the written information. It essentially represents the hard disk of a computer cell. The cell membrane represents “communication authority” which essentially generates and emits electromagnetic waves. The Oral language takes place by means of strictly defined signals in the form of electromagnetic waves so that bioinformation is going back and forth to the cell membrane via electromagnetic waves in form of a strictly defined frequency. Also, the oral form of the bioinformation uses the DNA chain inside the cell nucleus via simultaneous flow of a two-way process. The cell membrane is essentially a “RAM memory” and a place where the “bios” system of the cellular computer is written (Professor Skrypnyuk ).
BACKGROUND of bioinformatics
Nobel laureate Claude Shannon (engl. Claude Elwood Shannon.1916-2001) has been called the father of information theory.He showed that Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical or numerical relation His significance for the development of bioinformatics is huge.
The first bioinformatic programs were developed for DNA sequence analysis.
Recent scientific bioInformatic research was directed to the cells and intercellular communication. These studies along with genetic research dedicated to the study of the mechanisms of inheritance information, allowing the science of informatics to allocate a new scientific direction – bioinformatics. Basically, bioinformatics provides a scientific basis for the development of a very important new direction in medicine-medical informatics.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was among the first who saw the impact of information on human cells.
Over 30 years the principles of operation of biological material isolated organs in humans and animals are actively researched with special emphasis on the information sheet of cells. It is established that the chemical molecules affect cell structure through direct contact as well as indirect action. In the experiments, the biological effect of the cells depended not only on the dose of their existing matter and energy, but also by the quality of information or the information components. The cell responded to the structure of the information field of the matter in a way that the transfer of signal did not depended on the amount (dose material) of the chemical substance and energy.
Meanwhile bioinformatics is used in pharmaceuticals, calculation and forecasting of protein structures and interactions. The simulation and calculation of biological experiments and data is called In Silico calculation (bionformatics). It’s a matter of fast retrieval of repeated parts (templates) in the very long DNA sequences and solving the problems of overlapping and positioning two or more sequences to get their greatest match. The dynamic algorithms and programming methodology have found application in this area. Biological hypotheses rarely require exact match of the short sequential parts and usually in separate “signals” as the starting and finishing sequence of the genetic code.
Besides they developed solutions for finding unknown genes in DNA sequences – gene prediction.
To understand the working principle of the Micro-generator (MG therapies) and the function of the Micro–generator (MG ceutical), the specific foundation need to be considered. MG therapy is the result of the synergy of knowledge of Traditional Chinese medicine, combined with up-to-date discoveries in electronic and bioinformatics sphere. So, that synergy is the foundation of the science focusing on cell information exchange process – the MG therapy.
The concrete reason for the emergence of MG therapy was the accident that happened in the 1980s in Kiev, CHERNOBYL. Due to the high level of radiation, it was very difficult to help the patients with the usual medical methods, which in themselves were invasive, so that the patients with such damaged health could not bear them. So the then president of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev, set a task for the Soviet Academy of Sciences to find a new non-invasive type of therapy and treatment as soon as possible, so that the people of Ukraine could be helped. This inspired Professor Skrypnyuk to perfect the knowledge that had been on his mind for a long time. He had the opportunity to manage one of the first three computers created in the world. One was assigned to the hands of scientists in New York, the 2nd to the hands of scientists in London, and the 3rd to the hands of Professor Skrypnyuk in Kiev. That’s how the idea for making a computer-analog to the human brain began.
In 2000, the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule was discovered, which was sensationally presented. The arrangement of nucleotides in the double chain has been learned, but we have not yet mastered the meaning of the information in the chain. In other words, the questions of why and when DNA despiralization and the rewriting of the sequence of nucleotides to informational RNA occur. Professor Skrypnyuk dedicated his life to discovering this meaning, considering that it is not enough to know the sequence of nucleotides and to obtain sentences and phrases, but to try to discover the overall meaning. So if we wanted to explain what MG therapy is, it would be like we raise and teach a child through meaningful communication. So that today’s well-known treatment methods such as:
– drug treatment, PHARMACOTHERAPY,
– treatment with the energy of the apparatus, PHYSIOTHERAPY,
it could be added to:
– INFORMATION treatment – MG therapy
– FREQUENCY waves treatment – Ferty therapy.
In researching MG therapy, we need to follow two pillars: the diagnostic and the therapeutic pillar.
Chinese Traditional Medicine bases its research on acupuncture meridians (acupuncture channels), of which there are 12 in total. Its 5000 years of practice speaks enough about its exactness and confirmation of the meaning of existence. All acupuncture channels extend from the tips of the fingers, toes or hands, to the brain. And here they make a turn to the organ that determines.
In the forties of the twentieth century, Dr. Reinholland Voll lived and worked, (a German physician, developed Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll, the grandfather of many energy devices used in functional medicine, in the 1950s. Bioenergetic devices and functional medicine, he was born in 17.02.1909. in Berlin and died 12.02.1989. in Plochingen, Germany). Doctor Voll completed the existing 12 acupuncture channels with 8 more. So today we have 20 electropuncture channels. The new 8 electropuncture channels unite the existing ones and they are:
1. channel of LYMPH degeneration
2. channel of NERV degeneration
3. channel of ALLERGIES
4. channel of PARENHYMAL degeneration
5. channel of BONES/JOINTS degeneration
6. channel of CONNECTIVE tissue degeneration
7. channel of SKIN degeneration
8. channel of FAT degeneration
Dr. Voll worked for Hitler in those forties, which is why his discoveries were not recognized for a long time. After the Second World War, during the division of scientists into the victorious countries, he was sent to Kiev. During the work, the reason for those points to be chosen for examination was that those points provided information even after death. Voll had the opportunity to examine both living people and corpses, he obtained information from special places on the bones of the fingers and toes, which according to traditional Chinese medicine were along the meridians.
He began his research on devices that were initially like an inverted Ohm meter, which was used to measure the skin resistance of acupuncture points. Later, with the discovery of computers, we have the possibility, thanks to Dr. Voll’s discoveries, to observe them software-wise. Voll’s diagnostics gives us the opportunity to observe the state of electroacupuncture points and the organs, parts of organs and their cells connected to them. This also gives us the opportunity to test and choose the effect from the Micro-generator by observing the data before and after. Micro-generators for each of the electroacupuncture points, of which there are about 365, carry recorded information about sedation or stimulation of them. The way in which the information is selected and entered into the generators is in Professor Skrypnyuk patent. The information refers to the opening of ion channels on cell membranes, which allows it to get rid of toxins and metabolic products.
A simple examination
Diagnostic examination preceded the MG therapy – MG diagnosis is the method of Doctor Volla (EV) which allows us to get a full and detailed information about the functionality of organs and organ systems in a very short time.
Changes in the information flow in cells occur much earlier than the diseases themselves and may be measured by informodiagnostic examination It allows us through informotherapy to take preventive action and restore balance to the body before the disease progresses.
Due to the action of the whole body at the cellular level, informotherapy is effective in treating many diseases, and for its holistic action is extremely good for diseases to the immune system – allergies and autoimmune diseases.
Besides the personal feeling of improved health, informotherapy using sophisticated cameras and devices, also measures and documents. After completion of each cycle the duration of the therapy can accurately be determined.
Holistic effect
Besides acting on the body as a whole, it also allows certain actions to dysfunctional organs and systems of the body or restores connections between them.
Through analysis of measurements obtained with informodiagnostic examination, the individual informotherapy for each patient can be determined. The measured parameters for each patient are different, so they are always done before each new cycle of MG therapy.
Non-invasive and painless therapy
Because of the non-invasiveness of MG therapy, the possibility of side effects, infections or allergic reactions is excluded. The advantage of MG therapy regarding pharmacotherapy and physiotherapy is using low amounts of matter and energy, so that the probability of a harmful effect on the body is almost non existent.
Without limitations
MG therapy can used by all, regardless of age. Can be combined with other methods of treatment, and is especially good to follow with a proper diet and general healthy lifestyle.
Nobel laureate Claude Shannon (engl. Claude Elwood Shannon.1916-2001) has been called the father of information theory. He showed that Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical or numerical relation His significance for the development of bioinformatics is huge.
The first bioinformatic programs were developed for DNA sequence analysis.
Recent scientific bioinformatic research was directed to the cells and intercellular communication. These studies along with genetic research dedicated to the study of the mechanisms of inheritance information, allowing the science of informatics to allocate a new scientific direction – bioinformatics. Basically, bioinformatics provides a scientific basis for the development of a very important new direction in medicine-medical informatics.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was among the first who saw the impact of information on human cells.
Over 30 years the principles of operation of biological material isolated organs in humans and animals are actively researched with special emphasis on the information sheet of cells. It is established that the chemical molecules affect cell structure through direct contact as well as indirect action. In the experiments, the biological effect of the cells depended not only on the dose of their existing matter and energy, but also by the quality of information or the information components. The cell responded to the structure of the information field of the matter in a way that the transfer of signal did not depended on the amount (dose material) of the chemical substance and energy.
Meanwhile bioinformatics is used in pharmaceuticals, calculation and forecasting of protein structures and interactions. The simulation and calculation of biological experiments and data is called In Silico calculation (bioinformatics). It’s a matter of fast retrieval of repeated parts (templates) in the very long DNA sequences and solving the problems of overlapping and positioning two or more sequences to get their greatest match. The dynamic algorithms and programming methodology have found application in this area. Biological hypotheses rarely require exact match of the short sequential parts and usually in separate “signals” as the starting and finishing sequence of the genetic code.
Water is one of the primary ways our bodies get information. In a series of fascinating experiments in the 1990s, Dr. Masaru Emoto gained worldwide acclaim with his groundbreaking discovery that water is deeply connected to the consciousness of its surroundings.
Dr. Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of information on the crystalline structure of water. He exposed water to different environments. Then, using a very powerful microscope with high-speed photography, he captured the ‘expressions’ of water to show how they were imprinted by focused intention. The frozen water samples showed that positive information such as classical music, focused prayer or uplifting words and phrases caused beautiful geometric crystals to form. Whereas negative information such as samples from polluted rivers, focused rage or words such as ‘hate’ and ‘fear’ that created distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures.
Dr. Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages in Water was published in Japan in 2005. With 500,000 copies sold internationally, it shows the keen interest in the amazing properties of water. Many respected scientists such as Mae Wan-Ho and Professor Gerald Pollack also suggest that water does indeed exhibit different properties, depending on what it has been in contact with, meaning that water has memory. Gerald Pollack is an academic researcher at the University of Washington. His latest book, The Fourth Phase of Water, provides a new understanding of water that holds the key to solving numerous puzzles in biology.
We can think of the biological building block of life, the cell, as a battery that must obtain energy to charge it. Water is part of the structure of each cell, and just like a battery, it needs to be charged. We are always surrounded by infrared radiation from the sun, which we store as heat. We humans rely on sunlight as the energy source that “charges” the “water batteries” in our tissues. Water that interacts with light and heat becomes “charge separated”. This means that the water molecule changes structure as the positively charged hydrogen atoms are repelled, leaving a negatively charged hydrogen and oxygen group. This separation of charge allows us to draw electrical energy from our “water-based battery.”
As we’ve discussed, water is a bit like a computer’s hard drive that can store audio and visual information and then play it back. The information your body receives is vital because it affects which proteins your body produces to repair or create new tissue. The better information you give your body, the better your health.
MG-ceuticals contain pure information that actually changes the environment of your cells, directly correcting specific information structures and energy patterns in your body. In this way, rather than merely relieving symptoms, they activate your body’s own healing mechanism, supporting and encouraging a more balanced, healthy life.
The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside, and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction.
The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies around it, creating a electromagnetic spectrum of frequency called “information envelope”, responsible for the healthy functioning of the body.
Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever the reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, … and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells.
As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
The solution to this problem can be found in a micro-generator which houses information on the biological frequency of healthy cells, whereby during the treatment cells “learn”, or remember to do what they forgot.
MG therapy is of a quantum nature in a way that it acts upon the body’s renewal of regulatory systems of the cell, making the overall body return to normal or near absolute functional condition.
In order to understand how MG therapy works we must bear in mind that we are creatures of flesh and blood, but at the cellular level our body is a perfect electronic system. All things in nature are composed of molecules, molecules of atoms depending on whether they contain more protons or electrons, can be positive or negative ions. Ions take part in every chemical processes.
In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
Professor Skrypnyuk has found a way to return the cells to their biological healthy frequency, or to again teach them what they’ve forgotten. His research in the area of encoding, storage, transmission and use of information, resulted in practical methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment through the use of information.
By examining the acupuncture points of the hands and feet, we obtain a specific diagnosis, based on which, by testing the microgenerator, we obtain a prescription for microgenerator infoceuticals.
The new science of information as medicine
After decades of research, scientists have formulated a system that integrates the meridian system of traditional Chinese medicine with quantum wave and information theory to provide the first comprehensive link between the biochemistry of the human body and bioenergetics and bioinformation. Scientists explain that each of us has a body-field based on twelve meridian-like channels that process and coordinate information throughout the body, and that our health depends on the proper flow and communication of information through these channels.
Quantum Information Medicine is the study of information and energy in living organisms. It’s literally changing the landscape of what we know about healing, rapidly speeding recovery time, and making old methods obsolete.
The Body’s Healing Powers
Did you ever think about how your body instinctively knows what to do? If you cut your finger, bruise your knee, or catch a cold, your body knows how to heal itself. It is equipped with natural self-repair mechanisms. It knows how to kill faulty cells, fix broken proteins, slow aging, eliminate toxins, fight infections, get rid of foreign bodies, and otherwise keep us healthy. The great mystery of conventional biology is how we are “self-organizing” systems. It seems to “know” what to do, and it seems to have an “information code” that tells it how to grow and repair.
Information as the New Medicine
The idea of information as medicine may seem radically different. How can something as intangible as “information” have any effect on your body, never mind on the state of your health? It may sound unbelievable, or at least unfamiliar to you, but let’s explore how it works. A perfect example of this is we all start from a single cell that divides over and over again, forming tissues and organs, ultimately creating a functioning human-being.
How exactly does nature know what to do?
The answer is “information.” Information describes the way our systems are organized, but information also directs the development of that system to create “life”.
Distortion correction research
For more than thirty years, scientists have researched how to detect and correct distorted information in the body field. No one had explored health from this perspective before. This included everything from cells and tissues, to organs, body fluids such as blood and plasma, and even emotions. Most importantly, they studied how the body directs and controls energy in different parts of the body. They devised a way to correct the distortions so that the body could return to functioning as nature intended, which is to maintain a vibrant state of health and well-being. Scientists have developed drugs based on the principle that information can change the structure of a substance, giving it medicinal properties when that information is transferred to you. We call these medicines MGI-Ceutical. They are the pure information encoded in the homeopathic drops, which was transferred from the microgenerator. The information in MGI – ceuticals corrects distortions in the body’s field, ultimately directing the body’s own capacity for self-healing.
Water: The Science of Miracles
Water is necessary for life. In fact, our body is more water than anything else. Did you know that our blood, bones and muscles are mostly made up of water? An astonishing 99 percent of the molecules in the human body are water molecules. This is because the proteins and fats in our bodies are made up of water molecules. In fact, every cell in our body is filled with water.
Our body is more “water” than anything else. Water is necessary for the functioning of our body, for our health and well-being.
Inside our cells are proteins and other structures, with spaces that are filled with water. This means there are lots of surfaces that interact with water and impact its structure. In fact, water is part of the very structure of our cells. We learned in science class that water is H2 O; however, It has a unique crystalline structure. Instead of being H2 O it is H3 O2 . The ‘structure of water’ means the way water’s molecules are organized. Scientists have discovered some amazing things about water. First, water molecules can join together into groups called clusters. Most surfaces and molecules in our body are H3 O2 and have a gel-like consistency. This type of water is found next to water-loving surfaces such as proteins and cell membranes, and has a special order of layers with different electrical charges from ordinary tap water. This structured water works as memory cells in which water actually records information it is exposed to – just as a laser encodes information on to а disc.
Water: One Of The Primary Ways We Get Information
We are completely connected to the environment around us, where we obtain information we need to survive and thrive. Water is one of the primary ways our bodies get this information. In a series of fascinating experiments in the 1990s, Dr. Masaru Emoto gained worldwide acclaim with his groundbreaking discovery that water is deeply connected to the consciousness of its surroundings. Dr. Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of information on the crystalline structure of water. He exposed water to different environments. Then, using a very powerful microscope with high-speed photography, he captured the ‘expressions’ of water to show how they were imprinted by focused intention. The frozen water samples showed that positive information such as classical music, focused prayer or uplifting words and phrases caused beautiful geometric crystals to form. Whereas negative information such as samples from polluted rivers, focused rage or words such as ‘hate’ and ‘fear’ that created distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures. Dr. Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages in Water was published in Japan in 2005. With 500,000 copies sold internationally, it shows the keen interest in the amazing properties of water. Many respected scientists such as Mae Wan-Ho and Professor Gerald Pollack also suggest that water does indeed exhibit different properties, depending on what it has been in contact with, meaning that water has memory. Gerald Pollack is an academic researcher at the University of Washington. His latest book, The Fourth Phase of Water, provides a new understanding of water that holds the key to solving numerous puzzles in biology.
A little science…on your “water-based battery”
We can think of the biological building block of life, the cell, as a battery that must obtain energy to charge it. Water is part of the structure of each cell, and just like a battery, it needs to be charged. We are always surrounded by infrared radiation from the sun, which we store as heat. We humans rely on sunlight as the energy source that “charges” the “water batteries” in our tissues. Water that interacts with light and heat becomes “charge separated”. This means that the water molecule changes structure as the positively charged hydrogen atoms are repelled, leaving a negatively charged hydrogen and oxygen group. This separation of charge allows us to draw electrical energy from our “water-based battery.”
The Living Matrix is an interconnected system that reaches into every part and system of the body. It’s made up of the structural collagen network. Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. It helps strengthen connective tissue and provides cushioning for various parts of the body. The matrix is truly living, in that it provides our bodies with a stable structure. It is also the container for our internal ocean, the fluids where many crucial biochemical and metabolic reactions take place. No water, no life. The matrix is the sponge that holds water in our bodies. It bathes our cells with nutrients, helps us eliminate toxins, and transmits memory and information to all the cells and tissues. That’s why the living matrix needs to be well hydrated. This network acts like a liquid superconducting cable that operates at the speed of light, touching every part of our cells almost instantaneously. Energy and information in the Living Matrix affect every cell and every aspect of our body-field, including the nervous system, the immune system, the endocrine system (including hormones and neurotransmitters), right down to how our DNA is expressed (epigenetics).
MGI – ceuticals: Revolutionary Remedies Of The Future
As we’ve discussed, water is a bit like a computer’s hard drive that can store audio and visual information and then play it back. The information your body receives is vital because it affects which proteins your body produces to repair or create new tissue. The better information you give your body, the better your health. MGI-ceuticals contain pure information that actually changes the environment of your cells, directly correcting specific information structures and energy patterns in your body. In this way, rather than merely relieving symptoms, they activate your body’s own healing mechanism, supporting and encouraging a more balanced, healthy life.
The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside, and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction.
The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies around it, creating a electromagnetic spectrum of frequency called “information envelope”, responsible for the healthy functioning of the body. Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever the reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, … and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells.
As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
The solution to this problem can be found in a micro-generator which houses information on the biological frequency of healthy cells, whereby during the treatment cells “learn”, or remember to do what they forgot.
MG therapy is of a quantum nature in a way that it acts upon the body’s renewal of regulatory systems of the cell, making the overall body return to normal or near absolute functional condition. In order to understand how MG therapy works we must bear in mind that we are creatures of flesh and blood, but at the cellular level our body is a perfect electronic system. All things in nature are composed of molecules, molecules of atoms depending on whether they contain more protons or electrons, can be positive or negative ions. Ions take part in every chemical processes. The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction. The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies and around it, creating electromagnetic spectrum frequency “information envelope”, responsible for the healthy functioning of the body. Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, … and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells. As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
Professor Skrypnyuk has found a way to return the cells to their biological healthy frequency, or to again teach them what they’ve forgotten. His research in the area of encoding, storage, transmission and use of information, resulted in practical methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment through the use of information – Micro-Generators-diagnosis MGI – diagnostics and Micro-generators therapy.
By examining the acupuncture points of the hands and feet, we obtain a specific diagnosis, based on which, by testing the microgenerator, we obtain a prescription for microgenerator infoceuticals.
MG Therapy an example of some of the interesting cases
To understand the working principle of the Micro-generator (MG therapies) and the function of the Micro–generator (MG ceutical), the specific foundation need to be considered. MG therapy is the result of the synergy of knowledge of Traditional Chinese medicine, combined with up-to-date discoveries in electronic and bioinformatics sphere. So, that synergy is the foundation of the science focusing on cell information exchange process – the MG therapy.
The concrete reason for the emergence of MG therapy was the accident that happened in the 1980s in Kiev, CHERNOBYL. Due to the high level of radiation, it was very difficult to help the patients with the usual medical methods, which in themselves were invasive, so that the patients with such damaged health could not bear them. So the then president of the Soviet Union, Brezhnev, set a task for the Soviet Academy of Sciences to find a new non-invasive type of therapy and treatment as soon as possible, so that the people of Ukraine could be helped. This inspired Dr. Skrypnyuk to perfect the knowledge that had been on his mind for a long time. He had the opportunity to manage one of the first three computers created in the world. One was assigned to the hands of scientists in New York, the 2nd to the hands of scientists in London, and the 3rd to the hands of Dr. Skrypnyuk in Kiev. That’s how the idea for making a computer-analog to the human brain began.
In 2000, the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule was discovered, which was sensationally presented. The arrangement of nucleotides in the double chain has been learned, but we have not yet mastered the meaning of the information in the chain. In other words, the questions of why and when DNA despiralization and the rewriting of the sequence of nucleotides to informational RNA occur. Dr. Skrypnyuk dedicated his life to discovering this meaning, considering that it is not enough to know the sequence of nucleotides and to obtain sentences and phrases, but to try to discover the overall meaning. So if we wanted to explain what MG therapy is, it would be like we raise and teach a child through meaningful communication. So that today’s well-known treatment methods such as:
- drug treatment, PHARMACOTHERAPY,
- treatment with the energy of the apparatus, PHYSIOTHERAPY,
it could be added to:
- INFORMATION treatment – MG therapy
- FREQUENCY waves treatment – Ferty therapy.
In researching MG therapy, we need to follow two pillars: the diagnostic and the therapeutic pillar.
Chinese Traditional Medicine bases its research on acupuncture meridians (acupuncture channels), of which there are 12 in total. Its 5000 years of practice speaks enough about its exactness and confirmation of the meaning of existence. All acupuncture channels extend from the tips of the fingers, toes or hands, to the brain. And here they make a turn to the organ that determines.
In the forties of the twentieth century, Dr. Reinholland Voll lived and worked, (a German physician, developed Electro-Acupuncture according to Voll, the grandfather of many energy devices used in functional medicine, in the 1950s. Bioenergetic devices and functional medicine, he was born in 17.02.1909. in Berlin and died 12.02.1989. in Plochingen, Germany). Doctor Voll completed the existing 12 acupuncture channels with 8 more. So today we have 20 electropuncture channels. The new 8 electropuncture channels unite the existing ones and they are:
- channel of LYMPH degeneration
- channel of NERV degeneration
- channel of ALLERGIES
- channel of PARENHYMAL degeneration
- channel of BONES/JOINTS degeneration
- channel of CONNECTIVE tissue degeneration
- channel of SKIN degeneration
- channel of FAT degeneration
Dr. Voll worked for Hitler in those forties, which is why his discoveries were not recognized for a long time. After the Second World War, during the division of scientists into the victorious countries, he was sent to Kiev. During the work, the reason for those points to be chosen for examination was that those points provided information even after death. Voll had the opportunity to examine both living people and corpses, he obtained information from special places on the bones of the fingers and toes, which according to traditional Chinese medicine were along the meridians.
He began his research on devices that were initially like an inverted Ohm meter, which was used to measure the skin resistance of acupuncture points. Later, with the discovery of computers, we have the possibility, thanks to Dr. Voll’s discoveries, to observe them software-wise. Voll’s diagnostics gives us the opportunity to observe the state of electroacupuncture points and the organs, parts of organs and their cells connected to them. This also gives us the opportunity to test and choose the effect from the Micro-generator by observing the data before and after. Micro-generators for each of the electroacupuncture points, of which there are about 365, carry recorded information about sedation or stimulation of them. The way in which the information is selected and entered into the generators is in Dr. Skrypnyuk patent. The information refers to the opening of ion channels on cell membranes, which allows it to get rid of toxins and metabolic products.
BACKGROUND of bioinformatics
Nobel laureate Claude Shannon (engl. Claude Elwood Shannon.1916-2001) has been called the father of information theory. He showed that Boolean algebra could construct and resolve any logical or numerical relation His significance for the development of bioinformatics is huge.
The first bioinformatic programs were developed for DNA sequence analysis.
Recent scientific bioinformatic research was directed to the cells and intercellular communication. These studies along with genetic research dedicated to the study of the mechanisms of inheritance information, allowing the science of informatics to allocate a new scientific direction – bioinformatics. Basically, bioinformatics provides a scientific basis for the development of a very important new direction in medicine-medical informatics.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) was among the first who saw the impact of information on human cells.
Over 30 years the principles of operation of biological material isolated organs in humans and animals are actively researched with special emphasis on the information sheet of cells. It is established that the chemical molecules affect cell structure through direct contact as well as indirect action. In the experiments, the biological effect of the cells depended not only on the dose of their existing matter and energy, but also by the quality of information or the information components. The cell responded to the structure of the information field of the matter in a way that the transfer of signal did not depend on the amount (dose material) of the chemical substance and energy.
Meanwhile bioinformatics is used in pharmaceuticals, calculation and forecasting of protein structures and interactions. The simulation and calculation of biological experiments and data is called In Silico calculation (bioinformatics). It’s a matter of fast retrieval of repeated parts (templates) in the very long DNA sequences and solving the problems of overlapping and positioning two or more sequences to get their greatest match. The dynamic algorithms and programming methodology have found application in this area. Biological hypotheses rarely require exact match of the short sequential parts and usually in separate “signals” as the starting and finishing sequence of the genetic code.
Water is one of the primary ways our bodies get information. In a series of fascinating experiments in the 1990s, Dr. Masaru Emoto gained worldwide acclaim with his groundbreaking discovery that water is deeply connected to the consciousness of its surroundings. Dr. Emoto performed a series of experiments observing the physical effect of information on the crystalline structure of water. He exposed water to different environments. Then, using a very powerful microscope with high-speed photography, he captured the ‘expressions’ of water to show how they were imprinted by focused intention. The frozen water samples showed that positive information such as classical music, focused prayer or uplifting words and phrases caused beautiful geometric crystals to form. Whereas negative information such as samples from polluted rivers, focused rage or words such as ‘hate’ and ‘fear’ that created distorted and randomly formed crystalline structures. Dr. Emoto’s book The Hidden Messages in Water was published in Japan in 2005. With 500,000 copies sold internationally, it shows the keen interest in the amazing properties of water. Many respected scientists such as Mae Wan-Ho and Professor Gerald Pollack also suggest that water does indeed exhibit different properties, depending on what it has been in contact with, meaning that water has memory. Gerald Pollack is an academic researcher at the University of Washington. His latest book, The Fourth Phase of Water, provides a new understanding of water that holds the key to solving numerous puzzles in biology.
We can think of the biological building block of life, the cell, as a battery that must obtain energy to charge it. Water is part of the structure of each cell, and just like a battery, it needs to be charged. We are always surrounded by infrared radiation from the sun, which we store as heat. We humans rely on sunlight as the energy source that “charges” the “water batteries” in our tissues. Water that interacts with light and heat becomes “charge separated”. This means that the water molecule changes structure as the positively charged hydrogen atoms are repelled, leaving a negatively charged hydrogen and oxygen group. This separation of charge allows us to draw electrical energy from our “water-based battery.”
MG – ceuticals
As we’ve discussed, water is a bit like a computer’s hard drive that can store audio and visual information and then play it back. The information your body receives is vital because it affects which proteins your body produces to repair or create new tissue. The better information you give your body, the better your health. MG-ceuticals contain pure information that actually changes the environment of your cells, directly correcting specific information structures and energy patterns in your body. In this way, rather than merely relieving symptoms, they activate your body’s own healing mechanism, supporting and encouraging a more balanced, healthy life.
The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside, and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction.
The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies around it, creating a electromagnetic spectrum of frequency called “information envelope”, responsible for the healthy functioning of the body. Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever the reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, … and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells.
As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
The solution to this problem can be found in a micro-generator which houses information on the biological frequency of healthy cells, whereby during the treatment cells “learn”, or remember to do what they forgot.
MG therapy is of a quantum nature in a way that it acts upon the body’s renewal of regulatory systems of the cell, making the overall body return to normal or near absolute functional condition. In order to understand how MG therapy works we must bear in mind that we are creatures of flesh and blood, but at the cellular level our body is a perfect electronic system. All things in nature are composed of molecules, molecules of atoms depending on whether they contain more protons or electrons, can be positive or negative ions. Ions take part in every chemical processes. The cells are divided by membranes, whose charge is positive on the outside (ions of natrium) and negative on the inside and that represents the main mechanism that controls the exchange of materials. Shortage of any ions, leads to disruption of the electrical potential of the membrane, which causes disruption to its selective permeability which in turn leads to disease of the cell and its extinction. The cells of the body emit waves of certain frequencies and around it, creating electromagnetic spectrum frequency “information envelope”, responsible for the healthy functioning of the body. Every tissue has its own individual frequency. Each second, several thousand chemical reactions take place in every cell. Whatever reason: bacteria, viruses, drugs, chemical additives, pesticides, … and even food that is not in harmony with the blood group antigen can disrupt the genetically predefined frequency of the cell, which causes distortion of information in the communication of the cells. As a result of this, comes to the disruption of biochemical processes that result in metabolic disorders in the tissue and occurrence of diseases. In short, the disruption in the electromagnetic frequency-information spectrum in the cells leads to the occurrence of diseases in the organism.
Dr. Skrypnyuk has found a way to return the cells to their biological healthy frequency, or to again teach them what they’ve forgotten. His research in the area of encoding, storage, transmission and use of information, resulted in practical methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment through the use of information.
By examining the acupuncture points of the hands and feet, we obtain a specific diagnosis, based on which, by testing the microgenerator, we obtain a prescription for microgenerator infoceuticals.
An example of some of the interesting cases
Girl 15 years old. Someone hit her with a puck in the head while she was playing hockey. After only one treatment (for a month) of the expert program and without detox, the hematoma disappeared. The spleen channel on the left leg was showing us (on the picture below the text, on the right next to Rp, it showed us, all acupuncture points were shown during the examination, the spleen was blue before the treatment). After therapy all acupuncture points improve the function of the spleen channel, and at the same time, the MRI of the head showed the disappearance of the hematoma.
Crevenjanska Petra Arrival time : 22.07.2015. Bratislava – Slovakia
Before treatment: Crevenjanska Petra Arrival time : 22.07.2015. Bratislava – Slovakia
- After treatment: 02.09.2015. control, complete disappearance of the hematoma
Aleksandar Janošević 46 years old
- After treatment
- – uric acid is normal
- – he does not drink a preparation with purine reduction
- – liver enzymes have normal results
- Before treatment
- – high uric acid, drinks a preparation for removing purines
- – liver enzymes were bad
Thanks to the possibility of diagnostics according to EPD test, we get the patient’s record for all electro-acupuncture points, as in this case, for example.
After one month, as in this example, we get the following results, after applying MG – generator therapy
We are able to show a before and after comparison shot. The first shot is the examination and programming of the generator, which was done on April 15, 2019. year, and the second, i.e. control recording, was made on 05.20.2019.