Hronična bolest se javlja samo kada izgubite sposobnost stvaranja novih ćelija
Makula u vašem oku, danas je stara samo 48 sati. Drugim riječima, svakih 48 sati dobijate nove ćelije u svojoj makularnoj mrlji. Sluznica vašeg crijeva je stara tri sedmice, koža u kojoj se nalazite danas je stara šest sedmica, vaša jetra je stara osam sedmica, a vaš nervni sistem osam mjeseci. Svake sekunde u našem telu umire stotine miliona ćelija ali se zahvaljujući mehanizmu replikacija, isto toliko stvori pa je logično da hronične bolesti i starenje direktno zavise od sposobnosti tela da stvara nove ćelije.
Dozvolite mi da to još jednom ponovim. Na mehanizam starenja i začetka hroničnih bolesti direktno utiče sposobnost tela da stvara nove zdrave ćelija.
Ako razmišljamo na ovaj način, onda se moramo zapitati: „Šta je potrebno da bi se replikacija desila i šta je potrebno da ćelije besprekorno funkcionišu?
Odgovor je jednostavan. Nekoliko je ključnih faktora od kojih zavisi replikacija i optimalan rad vaših ćelija.
- Uslov da bi se ćelija replikovala je da mitohondrija proizvede dovoljno energije.
- Da bi mitohondrija proizvodila energiju potrebna je hrana.
- Da bi hrana ušla u ćeliju potrebna je prohodnost jonskih kanala koji se nalaze na membrani ćelije.
Kao što sam spomenuo, potrebno je -25 milivolti da bi ćelija mogla da radi, ali da bi se napravila nova potrebno je duplo više, potrebno je -50 milivolti. A onda, pored napona za stvaranje novih ćelija, moramo imati sve nutrijente za stvaranje nove ćelije. Dakle, ako vam kuću raznese tornado i morate da sagradite novu, pogodite šta, morate imati sve što vam je potrebno da biste je napravili, ne možete izgraditi novu kuću sa kvakama i pločicama u kupatilu, imate imati šindre i rogove i vrata i prozore i reći, moraš imati sve što je potrebno. I ovo je velika greška koju ljudi prave kada pokušavaju da ozdrave dok pokušavaju jednu po jednu supstancu: „Pa, želim da vidim šta radi“. To neće uspjeti jer morate imati sve odjednom da biste napravili novu ćeliju. Moramo imati -50 milivolti energije, moramo imati sve što je potrebno da napravimo ćeliju, a onda moramo da se nosimo sa bilo kojim toksinom koji se mota okolo i oštećuje ćelije onoliko brzo koliko ih stvaramo.
Hronična bolest se javlja samo kada izgubite sposobnost stvaranja novih ćelija koje rade.
Emocije se pohranjuju u tijelu kao magnetna polja.
Svaki krug DNK je zlatna sredina. To znači da su prečnici 1.618 puta veći i tako dalje, i svako mjesto u svemiru gdje postoji nešto što je zlatna sredina ili u obliku platonskog čvrstog tijela, to će uzrokovati imploziju skalarne energije. Budući da je naša DNK zlatna sredina, skalar implodira u nju i daje joj naboj tako da ima energiju da obavi svoj posao.
Tijelo je elektronički uređaj koji ima više baterija, a kronična bolest nastaje kada te baterije ne izdrže napunjenost, a ozdravljenje podrazumijeva da identifikujete koji paketi baterija vam kvare, da identifikujete razlog zašto vam ne uspijevaju. i popravljam to.
Dok otkrivamo koji su prekidači isključeni, idemo ga popraviti, ponovo vas uključiti i pustiti vaše tijelo da se samo izliječi što čini vrlo dobro ako ima napon, hranjive tvari i nosi se s toksinima.
Iscjeljenje je napon: Priručnik
Iscjeljenje je napon: Akupunktura mišićne baterije: Atlas
Makula u vašem oku, danas je stara samo 48 sati. Drugim riječima, svakih 48 sati dobijate nove ćelije u svojoj makularnoj mrlji. Sluznica vašeg crijeva je stara tri sedmice, koža u kojoj se nalazite danas je stara šest sedmica, vaša jetra je stara osam sedmica, a vaš nervni sistem osam mjeseci. Stalno se iscrpljujemo i moramo da pravimo nove ćelije. Tada se ispostavlja da se kronična bolest javlja samo kada izgubite sposobnost stvaranja novih stanica koje rade.
Dozvolite mi da to još jednom kažem. Hronična bolest se javlja samo kada izgubite sposobnost stvaranja novih ćelija koje rade.
Ako je to slučaj, onda se moramo zapitati: „Šta je potrebno da nove ćelije rade?
Kao što sam spomenuo, potrebno je -25 milivolti da bi ćelija mogla da radi, ali da bi se napravila nova potrebno je duplo više, potrebno je -50 milivolti. A onda, pored napona za stvaranje novih ćelija, moramo imati sve nutrijente za stvaranje nove ćelije. Dakle, ako vam kuću raznese tornado i morate da sagradite novu, pogodite šta, morate imati sve što vam je potrebno da biste je napravili, ne možete izgraditi novu kuću sa kvakama i pločicama u kupatilu, imate imati šindre i rogove i vrata i prozore i reći, moraš imati sve što je potrebno. I ovo je velika greška koju ljudi prave kada pokušavaju da ozdrave dok pokušavaju jednu po jednu supstancu: „Pa, želim da vidim šta radi“. To neće uspjeti jer morate imati sve odjednom da biste napravili novu ćeliju. Moramo imati -50 milivolti energije, moramo imati sve što je potrebno da napravimo ćeliju, a onda moramo da se nosimo sa bilo kojim toksinom koji se mota okolo i oštećuje ćelije onoliko brzo koliko ih stvaramo. Najčešći otrovi s kojima se moramo suočiti su teški metali poput žive, toksini koji izlaze iz naših zuba i GMO hrana sa pesticidom zvanim RoundUp ili glifosat.
Šta je potrebno da nove ćelije rade?
Budući da je ljudsko tijelo prijenosni elektronski uređaj, kao i svi elektronski uređaji, ono mora imati bateriju ili više baterija. Realnost je da imamo četiri različita pakovanja. Najveći od svih su naši mišići. Naši mišići su piezoelektrični. Za one od vas koji nisu fizičari, smiješna riječ piezoelektricitet znači da ako naglasite supstancu i ona emituje elektrone, to se zove piezoelektricitet. Kada pokrećem mišiće, generišem elektrone. Uzgred, zašto je vježbanje toliko važno jer je vježba način na koji je ljudsko tijelo dizajnirano da napuni vašu ličnu bateriju.
Šta je naponski sistem tela? Kućište ima četiri baterije
Realnost je također da su naši mišići punjive baterije. Zatim imamo ove velike mišiće koji su naše glavne baterije, a onda su svi ti paketi mišićnih baterija zakačeni za naše ćelijske membrane. Sada su ćelijske membrane kondenzatori. Dakle, šta je kondenzator? Kondenzator je mala baterija i način na koji su naše ćelijske membrane dizajnirane je sa nekoliko suprotstavljenih slojeva smiješnih masti zvanih fosfolipidi, a ove masti imaju loptu, a zatim dvije noge. Dok su kuglice provodnici elektrona, noge su izolatori. Dakle, kada ih ovako stavite, imate dva provodnika odvojena izolatorom koji je po definiciji kondenzator, što znači da pohranjuje elektrone. A onda unutar ćelije imamo mitohondriju, a unutar mitohondrije imamo još jedan sistem punjivih baterija.
Pošto imamo sistem punjivih baterija unutar naših mitohondrija, pogodite šta nam je još potrebno. Punjač baterija. Punjač baterija unutar ćelije naziva se ciklus limunske kiseline ili ciklus CREB. CREB ciklus se pokreće prvenstveno na masnim kiselinama, a kako masne kiseline stavljate kroz CREB ciklus, on stvara elektrone i za svaku jedinicu masnih kiselina koju prođete kroz CREB ciklus, ako je kisik prisutan, dobijate dovoljno elektrona da se napuni do 38 ovih ATP baterija.
Osim toga, imamo DNK. Općenito smo skloni da posmatramo DNK unutar sebe sa strane, i izgleda kao da smo uzeli nekoliko merdevina i uvrnuli ih. Ali ako pogledate odozgo, izgleda ovako.
Svaki krug DNK je zlatna sredina. To znači da su prečnici 1.618 puta veći i tako dalje, i svako mjesto u svemiru gdje postoji nešto što je zlatna sredina ili u obliku platonskog čvrstog tijela, to će uzrokovati imploziju skalarne energije. Budući da je naša DNK zlatna sredina, skalar implodira u nju i daje joj naboj tako da ima energiju da obavi svoj posao.
Imamo naše mišiće naslagane jedan na drugi u vrlo specifičnom redoslijedu kao što je gomila baterija u svjetlu blica. Oko gomile mišićnih baterija nalazimo supstancu koja se zove fascija koja je vrlo slična čarapi. Fascia je ona sjajna stvar koju vidite kada izrezujete božićnu ćurku. Zanimljiva stvar kod fascije je da je fascija poluprovodnik. Dakle, šta je poluprovodnik? Poluvodič je skup molekula raspoređenih na način da se elektroni kreću kroz njega brzinom svjetlosti, ali samo u jednom smjeru.
Zatim imamo ovaj neprekidni snop mišića koji ide od naših nožnih prstiju do našeg mozga ili od naših prstiju do našeg mozga i okruženi su ovom čarapom koja u osnovi služi kao sistem ožičenja za tijelo. Zatim imamo gomilu mišićnih baterija okruženih fascijom tako da svaki organ u tijelu ima svoju bateriju. Budući da svaki organ u tijelu ima svoju bateriju, mi imamo mogućnost da izolujemo i izmjerimo taj napon i otkrijemo zašto taj organ funkcionira. Gomila mišićnih baterija je ono što se zove akupunkturni meridijan. Akupunkturni meridijan je jednostavno gomila mišićnih baterija.
Ovo je primjer akupunkturnog meridijana koji se naziva meridijan slezine.
Meridijan slezine počinje dole u velikom prstu, ide gore unutrašnjom stranom noge, zatim postoji posebna grana kao što vidite, ide do ženskih genitalija, zatim ide oko leđa gde dolazi do nadbubrežne žlezde, slezine i pankreas, zatim ide gore do vrata i pravi petlju i zakači se u ono što se zove želudačni krug, a onda želudačni krug dobije makulu oka. Usput, ako neko ima makularnu degeneraciju, to je zato što imate nizak napon u vašem želučanom krugu. Pokreće prednje režnjeve, koji su dio vašeg mozga koji razmišljaju, zatim dobiva štitnu žlijezdu, dojku, želudac, muške genitalije i zatim se vraća do palca na nozi. Tako da pravi petlju.
Imamo šest od ovih petlji mišićnih baterija koje osiguravaju 25 milivolti koje su vam potrebne da organi rade i 50 milivolti za njihovo popravljanje. Hronična bolest nastaje kada jedna od ovih mišićnih baterija ne drži napunjenost.
Krug slezine/želuca
To nas dovodi do pitanja: Zašto ta baterija ne drži punjenje?
Muscle Battery Packs
Postoji kontrolna lista kroz koju možete proći kako biste pokušali otkriti zašto se ne puni, ali u osnovi morate pogledati hormon štitnjače, jer tiroidni Harmon T3 kontrolira napon svake ćelijske membrane u tijelu a T2 kontroliše napon u mitohondrijima. Morate biti sigurni i pravilno odrediti nivo hormona štitnjače. Onda ako biste ostavili ožiljak na jednom od ovih kola, ako stavite ožiljak na jednu od ovih mišićnih baterija ovdje, to će ga prekinuti i isprazniti dio napona.
Ožiljci mogu biti značajan problem, ali jedini ožiljci koji vas zaista potpuno sruše su oni na glavnoj liniji, na glavnom kablu. Ožiljak preko koljena obično će ga samo smanjiti za nekoliko milivolti, ali dovoljno da izazove neke probleme.
Osim toga, emocije se pohranjuju u tijelu kao magnetna polja. Dakle, ako imate magnetno polje, ono je zaglavljeno u jednoj od ovih mišićnih baterija ovdje, blokiraće napon, tako da neće proći.
I konačno, zubne infekcije su značajan problem jer svaki od ovih krugova prolazi kroz vrlo specifične zube.
Ovdje vidite da imamo ovaj glavni kabel koji ide gore i dolje naprijed, a onda iz tog glavnog kabela dobijete napon koji dolazi iz naših ruku i naših nogu, i oni bi došli do ovih bočnih terminala, i onda sa tih bočnih terminala idu na ovaj centralni, i onda počinje da se mota oko tijela, a kako se vrti oko leđa ima mogućnost onda da izađe i pričvrsti se za ganglije koje su gore i dolje kičmene moždine koje mi nazivaju autonomne ganglije, a zatim iz autonomnih ganglija ide do svakog organa u tijelu.
Ovo su sistemi ožičenja i baterija u ljudskom tijelu i kad god imate hroničnu bolest, imat ćete otkaz na jednom od ovih elektronskih sistema. Kad god imate neku vrstu bolesti, jednostavno morate započeti postavljanjem pitanja: Dakle, koja je baterija za tu bolest? Ako imate srčano oboljenje, rekli biste: Šta je baterija za srce? Pa, očigledno je u pitanju baterija za srčani mišić.
Postoje i drugi koji nisu tako očigledni. Na primjer, želučano kolo slezene je napajanje za cijeli endokrini sistem, cijeli reproduktivni sistem i kod muškaraca i kod žena, makulu oka i dio mozga koji razmišlja. I naravno, kada se taj sistem ugasi, što je jedan od najčešćih koji se gasi, tada počinjete da imate otkaz u tim sistemima organa.
Kako znamo da li je napon nizak u kolu? Pa, imamo mogućnost da ga izmjerimo određenim akupunkturnim tačkama koristeći ono što je jednako posebno dizajniranom om-metru.
Dok počinjemo identificirati napajanje koje ne radi kako treba, imamo dvije stvari pred nama: jedna je da shvatimo zašto ta baterija ne drži punjenje, a druga je da pokušamo napuniti bateriju dok smišljamo kako da popravimo razlog zašto smo uopšte upali u nevolju.
Muscle Battery Packs
Razvili smo ovaj uređaj nazvan bio-transduktor koji emituje i elektromagnetnu i skalarnu energiju i ako ga jednostavno usmjerite na organ koji pokvari, možete početi puniti ćelije u samom organu. A onda želite da dođete iza toga i da napunite mišićne baterije.
Napunite Muscle Battery Pack
Ovi dijagrami koje imamo ovdje gdje vidite crvene i crne tačke vam pokazuju gdje treba staviti polaritet jer svaka baterija kao i svaka druga baterija za koju znate ima svoje terminale u polaritetu. Dakle, uzmete zakrpe i zalijepite zakrpe tamo gdje su terminali te baterije koja nema dovoljno napunjenosti, zakačite je na bio modulator koji je mali prijenosni uređaj koji pomalo liči na kompjuterski miš, i ispušta valne oblike koji su dizajnirani da implodiraju energiju i prenose energiju do ćelija i napune vaše mišićne baterije. Dakle, punite organ ili punite mišićne baterije dok radite na otkrivanju zašto ta baterija uopće neće držati napunjenost.
Jedna od zanimljivih stvari je da su naša tijela povezana poput mnogih ploča.
Kao što znate, mnoge elektronske ploče koriste Teslina rezonantna kola. Teslino rezonantno kolo je kombinacija kondenzatora i zavojnice ožičene paralelno. Kada to učinite, on ima sposobnost komuniciranja sa drugim sistemima koji su kombinacija Teslinih rezonantnih kola.
U telu, dug je uvek povezan sa debelim crevom, srce je uvek povezano sa tankim crevom, slezina i pankreas su uvek povezani sa želucem, bubrezi su uvek povezani sa bešikom, a jetra je uvek povezana sa želucem. do žučne kese, svaki od njih kreiran u Teslinom rezonantnom kolu, a pošto su to Teslina kola, oni su u stanju da međusobno komuniciraju.
Dakle, jedan dio našeg tijela zna šta se dešava u drugom dijelu tijela jer smo povezani sa Teslinim rezonantnim krugovima.
Svi ovi različiti krugovi u tijelu prolaze kroz vrlo specifične zube. Zubi se ponašaju kao prekidači.
Ako ste počeli da imate infekciju u jednom od vaših zuba, to će u početku smanjiti napon u tom strujnom kolu, a kasnije ga zapravo isključiti. Krug želuca slezene o kojem smo govorili je onaj koji ovdje vidite žutom bojom, to su gornji kutnjaci i donji premolari. Ako imate infekciju u gornjem kutnjaku, ona će početi utjecati na vaš želudačni krug slezene, što znači da će utjecati na vaš cijeli reproduktivni sistem, cijeli endokrini sistem, dio mozga koji razmišlja i makulu vašeg oka . Većina ljudi s makularnom degeneracijom ima infekciju u gornjem kutnjaku na istoj strani kao i njihova makularna degeneracija.
Jedno od pitanja je onda kako zubi ulaze u ceo ovaj sistem?
Zašto se baterija ne puni?
Ispostavilo se da izgleda da zubi funkcionišu slično kao limfni čvor u limfnom sistemu. Ako imate infekciju u vašem limfnom sistemu i ona ide gore kroz limfne kanale, ona biva uhvaćena i zarobljena u limfnom čvoru. Emocije su zarobljene u tijelu kao magnetna polja i ta magnetna polja imaju tendenciju da na kraju budu zarobljena u zubima. Ono što ćete otkriti je da većina hroničnih bolesti zapravo počinje emocionalnim događajem. Dozvolite mi da kažem još jednom. Većina kroničnih bolesti zapravo počinje kao emocionalni događaj, a ta emocija je magnetsko polje koje počinje blokirati strujno kolo tako što se uhvati u jedan od zuba i pritom počinje snižavati napon u zubu.
Dr Steinman je pokazao da svaki zub u sebi ima pumpu koja pumpa tečnost iz unutrašnjosti zuba u unutrašnjost usta i to je ono što vas sprečava da dobijete karijes. Vaša djeca će biti srećna kada znaju da nisu Snicker pločice one koje uzrokuju karijes, već kvar ove pumpe. Kada pumpa počne da otkazuje infekcija dolazi iz usta u zub i počinje da izaziva karijes. Emocija dovoljno snizi napon u zubu da pumpa počne da pokvari, a onda počneš da dobijaš karijes, pa počneš da dobijaš krunicu, i onda možeš da počneš da na kraju nastaviš dok ne dobiješ korijenski kanal i onda što na kraju dovodi do maligniteta.
Dr. Steinman’s Research
Roggenkamp, Clyde, PhD, Transport dentalne tečnosti, Loma Linda, Kalifornija, Loma Linda Univ. Press, 2004 |
Opet, većina kroničnih bolesti počinje kao emocije.
Emocije i kronične bolesti Kako je napon u strujnom kolu blokiran emocionalnim magnetnim poljem, snižavanje napona pokreće kaskadu kronične bolesti. |
Očigledno, postoje neke okolnosti u kojima to nije slučaj. Ako ste živjeli u Tokiju kada je Fukujima eksplodirao i kada ste bili zračeni, to nije nužno emocionalni događaj u smislu da možda niste znali da ste upravo zračeni, ali će vam biti muka. Ali općenito govoreći, većinu kronične bolesti možemo pratiti do emocija koje su blokirale određenu mišićnu bateriju blokiranjem zuba koji je povezan s tim.
Kada pogledate ovaj konkretan slajd, mogli biste postaviti pitanje zar vas niko nikada nije naučio da ne stavljate toliko brojeva na jedan slajd?
Pa, uradio sam to namerno jer sam želeo da shvatiš geštalt toga. Ono što ćete vidjeti ovdje je da je pH od 7,35 isto što i minus 20 milivolti, a 7,44 je isto kao minus 25. Tu naše ćelije normalno rade, ali kako napon počne da opada onda stvari počinju da se pogoršavaju i pogoršavaju za nas dok se konačno ne spustimo na plus 30 milivolti. Svi karcinomi se javljaju pri plus 30 milivolti.
Ono što vidite je da normalno tkivo radi kao donor elektrona na minus 25 milivolti i kako prelazite nulu, promijenili ste polaritet. Odnosno, svaka baterija, kao što znate, ima plus na jednom i minus na drugom kraju i kako ispraznite bateriju sve do nule ona okreće svoj polaritet naopako. Kada se polaritet obrne i svede na plus 30 milivolti, došlo je do maligniteta.
Danas nemamo vremena da ulazimo u toliko detalja, ali količina kiseonika koja će se rastvoriti u vodi diktira napon vode, tako da voda unutar naših ćelija ima sve niži napon od kiseonika u ćelija izlazi iz ćelije i nestaje i kada konačno okrenete polaritet, ima toliko malo kiseonika u ćeliji da matične ćelije prepoznaju taj signal da: Hej, upravo smo ostali bez kiseonika, molim vas pomozite. I tako, matične ćelije prelaze i napadaju lokalnu opskrbu krvlju i stvaraju masu krvnih sudova koju nazivamo rakom koji se ne razlikuje od placente kod trudne žene. Dakle, u osnovi, svi čvrsti tumori su placente što je način na koji tijelo reaguje na nedostatak napona i kiseonika.
Ako tada počnemo razmišljati o načinu na koji ovo funkcionira, razmislite o mom palcu.
Moj palac je sasvim dobar palac inače, na kom naponu radi? Minus 25 milivolti. Sada ako ga udarim čekićem i uništim neke ćelije u palcu ono što će se dogoditi je da će palac odmah otići na minus 50 milivolti. Minus 50 milivolti uzrokuje proširenje arterija, a razlog što se događa je naravno da su nam potrebne sirovine bačene na ivičnjak, da tako kažem, kako bismo mogli obnoviti ćelije koje smo uništili čekićem. Ali kada se ti kapilari prošire dobijamo sve znakove koje inače nazivamo upalom, imamo crvenilo, imamo otok, imamo vrućinu, imamo pulsirajući bol i to vas tjera da kažete loše riječi. Moj palac se zaokupi i pravi nove ćelije da zamijeni one koje sam razbio čekićem, vrati se na minus 25 milivolti i ja sam sretan kamper.
Ali s druge strane, ako kada sam razbio palac, napajanje koje ide do palca nije dovoljno da obezbedi minus 50 milivolti koje su mi potrebne za stvaranje novih ćelija, onda moj palac neće zarasti i zaglavio sam u hroničnoj bolesti. Vidite li to? Tako da mogu da uzmem sve tablete koje želim, mogu da uradim sve operacije koje želim na palcu, ali nikada neće biti dobro dok ne uradim šta? Ubaci dovoljno elektrona da dođem do minus 50 milivolti.
Ako razumete ono što sam vam upravo rekao o palcu, razumete u suštini celo moje predavanje, tako da sada mogu da idem kući. Oh ne, imam još malo. Ali poenta je da se kronična bolest javlja kada nemate dovoljno napona za stvaranje novih stanica. Kako napon počinje opadati kisik počinje opadati, a kada kisik opadne, počinje se događati nekoliko loših stvari.
Jedna od stvari koju sam, kao što sam ranije spomenuo, je da počinjete imati manje ATP-a, što je napon unutar ćelije koji ćeliji treba da radi svoj posao.
Također sam vam spomenuo da zbog CREB ciklusa, mogućnost da se napuni 38 ovih ATP baterija za svaku jedinicu masne kiseline koju unesete kroz CREB ciklus, to vrijedi samo ako je kisik dostupan. Ako kisik nije dostupan, onda za svaku jedinicu masne kiseline koju stavite kroz punjač imate dovoljno elektrona da napunite dvije baterije. Dakle, to je pomalo kao da imate automobil koji ide od 38 milja po galonu do dvije milje po galonu. Vaše ćelije postaju veoma neefikasne.
Kako napon pada, prelazite s aerobnog (O2 dostupan) na anaerobni (O2 nedostupan) metabolizam
Osim što imamo neefikasnost međućelijskog napona, imamo problema sa bubicama.
Tijelo sadrži možda trilijun buba raznih vrsta i većina njih je potisnuta kisikom, ali kako nivoi kisika počnu opadati zbog pada napona, onda se ove bube probude, i prva stvar koju bube žele je da ručaju i žele da te imam za ručak. Bube nemaju zube koje bi mogle da vas ugrizu, pa umjesto toga daju probavne enzime da rastvore vaše ćelije kako bi mogle da dobiju hranljive materije. Razmislite o tome da imate upalu grla. Bakterije strep na vašim krajnicima na pikniku i dobro se provode, ali imate najgore grlobolje na svijetu, imate glavobolju, imate temperaturu, povraćate, imate proljev, bole vas zglobovi, imate jadno dan, a to je zato što se bube probijaju tako što ispuštaju ove probavne enzime da izvuku svoje hranljive materije iz ćelija.
Kako napon i kisik sve više opadaju, ovi mikroorganizmi gube ćelijske membrane i postaju ono što se naziva organizmima s nedostatkom ćelijskog zida ili skrivenim patogenima. Jedan od problema s tim je, prije svega, što ih ne možete kultivirati. Drugo, ne vidite ih sa standardnim mikroskopom, potreban vam je jedan od ovih modernih mikroskopa koji se zove fazni kontrast ili mikroskop tamnog polja. Ove bube izlučuju razne toksine koji počinju oštećivati lokalno tkivo. Često ono što nazivamo autoimunom bolešću je jednostavno da ove bube probiju vaše lokalno tkivo, dok izbacuju svoje toksine, dobijate znakove upale i otoka i tako dalje.
Na ovim slikama na ekranu vidite ove razne sve efikasne bube unutar crvenih krvnih zrnaca koje ih konzumiraju. U donjem desnom uglu vidite mjesto gdje sam uzeo crvena krvna zrnca, stavio ga pod pokrovno staklo na stakalcu mikroskopa i ostavio da odstoji nekoliko sati da potroši sav kisik i vidite lajm kako puzi iz crvenih krvnih zrnaca. Svi u ovoj prostoriji imaju lajmsku bolest, samo je pitanje da li vaš imunološki sistem ima sposobnost da se nosi sa njom, da li imate simptome od nje.
Kako se napon spušta prema plus 30 milivolti, tada se pojavljuje ova gljivica s nedostatkom ćelijskog zida i počinjete imati ovakve vrste prodaje. Ovo je krv čoveka koji je imao leukemiju i možete videti gljivične forme u njegovoj krvi.
Od emocija do hronične bolesti Dok snižavanje napona napreduje od nelagode do poremećaja u radu organa, napreduju i zubne infekcije. | ||
Želim da popričamo s vama još malo o zubima jer je to strašno važno u razumijevanju kako da se ljudi ozdrave. Ako pogledate donju lijevu sliku, vidjet ćete automobilski akumulator koji ima koroziju oko sebe što znači da će alternator i taj automobil imati problema s održavanjem baterije napunjenom. Pa, zub iznad njega je pričvršćen za mišićnu bateriju. Ali on također ima koroziju i stoga ima problema s održavanjem baterije napunjenom. A onda kako se korozija na akumulatoru automobila ili zubu vremenom pogoršava, postaje sve teže i teže i teže i teže održavati baterije napunjenim. Na kraju će u automobilskom akumulatoru korozija izaći izvan samog akumulatora i početi korodirati kroz kabel vašeg akumulatora, što sada znači da imate potpuni kratki spoj i da se vaš automobil neće upaliti.
Ovaj proces se događa u tijelu kada se infekcija u zubu pomakne u kost. Kada imate infekciju u kosti oko zuba, ona zapravo radi kao prekidač i prekida taj strujni krug. Postoje dvije okolnosti u kojima se to događa. Jedan je zub iz korijenskog kanala koji je naravno mrtav zub. Većina vas možda zna način na koji se izrađuje korijenski kanal, izbušite malu rupu na vrhu zuba i stavite strijelac dolje i iščupate strijelac i iščupate živac i ubijete zub, a zatim ga ispunite kit. Problem je što je sada zub mrtav i svo mrtvo tkivo se inficira. Stomatolozi su jedini doktori koji vjeruju da se možete izvući ostavljajući mrtvo tkivo u tijelu. Nijedan drugi lekar u to ne veruje.
Jedan zub korijenskog kanala isključuje 63% vašeg imunološkog sistema. Ono što ga čini još gorim je to što tada ulazi u kost i kada uđe u kost isključuje to kolo. Dakle, sada napon značajno opada u tom kolu i zato ga pronalazite.
Pregledali smo sve pacijente od raka koje smo viđali u našoj klinici. U 95% njih povezano je s korijenskim kanalom ili inficiranom kosti gdje je zub izvađen. 95%! Glavni uzrok raka je infekcija u kosti oko jednog od zuba.
Osim korijenskog kanala, postoji problem i s povlačenjem zuba jer se zubi drže u kosti pomoću ligamenta koji se naziva parodontalni ligament. Ono za šta su stomatolozi obučeni je da pomiču zub, olabave ga, vade ga, stavljaju šav i prestanu da ostavljaju ligament iza sebe. Kada to učinite, kost je jako teško zacijeliti jer vam ligamenti smetaju. Čak i ako se desi da je zubar onaj koji odvoji vrijeme da ostruže taj ligament, jer su usta tako prljavo mjesto, često ljudi dobiju infekciju u kosti tokom prvih nekoliko dana zarastanja nakon vađenja zuba. A to se inače zove kavitacija.
Ogroman problem je što su naša djeca u srednjoj školi i odu kod zubara i kažu: „O, moraš izvaditi umnjake. To je ona stara stvar, šta ako odeš u Midas dobiješ prigušivač.
Prošle godine je izašla studija koja je pokazala da je 65% vađenja korijenskog kanala bilo nepotrebno. Ipak, izvade im umnjake i sada počinju da dobijaju infekciju u tom delu, a kolo umnjaka je tvrdo tanko crevo, ali čujte, to je autonomni nervni sistem. Autonomni nervni sistem je prekidač za uključivanje/isključivanje tijela. Tako su iznenada, nekoliko dana nakon vađenja umnjaka, djeca izgubila prekidač za uključivanje/isključivanje, što znači da njihovo tijelo ne dozvoljava da se kontroliše. Zatim s vremenom počinje da se kreće u susjedstvo i vadi krug slezena/želudac. Sada zapamtite da je krug slezene napajanje nadbubrežnih žlijezda. Pa sad, uskoro su izgubili kontrolnu tablu, sistem za uključivanje/isključivanje, a onda su izgubili i nadbubrežne žlezde, pa ne mogu da se nose sa stresom, i tako počinju da postaju ono što mnogi ljudi kažu: “Oh, on je samo tinejdžer.” Pa, on nije samo tinejdžer, on je izgubio sposobnost, cijeli način na koji se tijelo nosi sa stresom. I mnoga naša djeca se kriju unutar elektronike jer unutar elektronike imaju prekidač za uključivanje/isključivanje. U svom tijelu nemaju. Tako da više ne mogu da se nose sa stvarnim svetom. I tako se kriju u svojim mobilnim telefonima i svojim Game Boysima ili kako ih već zovete.
Ipak, ovo je ogroman problem.
Kada izgubite sposobnost stvaranja adrenalina, spuštate se niz sljedeću klizavu stazu, imate problema sa spavanjem, teško se nosite sa stresom, imate problema sa pamćenjem, a onda ne možete obavljati više zadataka. Dakle, sjedite i čitate knjigu ili gledate TV i neko kaže: “Hej, hoćeš li senf ili majonez?” Postajete jako iznervirani jer su vas prekinuli. Ali nemaš srednju konjsku snagu da ostaneš vezan za ono što si radio, pa se odvojiš, ubereš senf, vratiš se svojoj knjizi, i sada ne možeš da se setiš svog mesta, a još više si iznervirano. A onda dođe do toga da ne volite nikakve stimulanse, tako da ne volite glasnu buku, glasnu muziku, bučnu gužvu, ne možete biti u blizini ljudi ili se svađati, i na kraju dođe tamo gdje ni ne želite biti dodirnut, ti samo želiš da sjediš u uglu i da te ljudi ostave na miru. I onda ti prestane seksualni rad, pa ne možeš zaspati prije 11, a kad se probudiš i dalje si umoran. Sve je to zbog gubitka napajanja slezene za vaše nadbubrežne žlijezde.
Pa, ovo što sam upravo opisao je, naravno, veoma destruktivno. Ako ne možete da se nosite sa životom svijeta, ne možete biti dobar supružnik, a pogotovo ako vaša seksualna oprema više ne radi onda je to veliki problem u braku. Ne možete biti dobar roditelj jer djeca galame i žele nešto od vas, a vi nemate šta dati. Ne možeš biti dobar radnik, ne možeš biti dobar prijatelj, ne možeš biti dobar ni u čemu, pa ti je život u toaletu jednostavno zato što si izgubio slezeni krug koji ide do nadbubrežne žlijezde žlezde, a to je veliki problem u našem društvu.
Emocije su pohranjene u zubima, utičući na to kolo |
Ranije sam govorio o mapiranju polja emocija, a ovo je tradicionalno kinesko, tako da različiti krugovi moraju da se te razne vrste emocija zaglave na ovim različitim mjestima ili u zubima koji su povezani s njima.
Dr. Bennis je objavio ove:
Elieen je objavila svoje, a to je ova grupa gdje stvari zapnu:
BioField „Kao što je mozak podijeljen s različitim područjima odgovornim za različite funkcije, tako je i BioField, sa specifičnim područjima koja sadrže informacije vezane za specifične emocije, stanja uma i odnose.“ |
Što se tiče brisanja emocija, pošto su emocije magnetsko polje, možete ih izbrisati jačim magnetnim poljem. Jedan od zakona fizike je da ako uzmete bilo koji magnet i preko njega stavite jači magnet, onda slabiji magnet preuzima karakteristike jačeg. Kada imate ove emocije koje su zaglavljene, možete početi da ih brišete na različite načine. Postoji nekoliko grupa tokom godina koje su se bavile ovom temom i pokušale da shvate kako da to urade.
Brisanje emocionalnih magnetnih polja
Razvili smo jedan u kojem možete, ako možete razmišljati o emocijama dok držite ove ručke sa svojim biomodulatorom, možete izbrisati emociju, ali kada smo to učinili, radili smo u jednoj emociji u to vrijeme, i naravno , Eileen je jutros razgovarala s vama o korištenju svoje viljuške za podešavanje, što je vrlo efikasno.
Ono što sam nedavno otkrio je da ako liječite umnjake koji tretiraju vaš autonomni nervni sistem, onda ne samo da možete promijeniti polaritet u svim svojim različitim strujnim krugovima u isto vrijeme, već možete i automatski izbaciti mnoge emocije.
Klatno je zapravo kao jedna žica na gitari i težina na klatnu čini da traka govori, tako da kada se pomjeri, ona zapravo rezonira s kojom god frekvencijom struna bila. Ono što radite je da držite ovo klatno preko autonomnog sistema tankog crijeva srca i uzmete biotransduktor, i jednostavno ga stavite preko umnjaka i gledate klatno i ono će se uvijek okretati unazad ako je napon nizak na brojaču- pametno i nastavite da ga držite tamo i ubrzo će se usporiti, a zatim će početi da se okreće u smeru kazaljke na satu.
I onda isto uradite sa druge strane držeći ih klatnom preko srčanog kola tankog creva, stavite biotransduktor preko autonomnog sistema gde možete pristupiti zubu, gledati kako se okreće unazad i onda na ispravan način. A sada kada se vratite i provjerite sva kola, ispravili ste polaritet u svakom kolu, a mnoge emocije koje ste pronašli u BioPolju su također nestale.
Više informacija Za daljnju raspravu o Zlatnoj sredini, Imploziji energije u ćelije, sindromu kuglane lopte, itd., izvan vremenskih ograničenja ove prezentacije, pogledajte predstavnike Senergy Medical Group. |
Nažalost, nemam vremena da pričam s vama o tome kako smo povezani sa polaritetom i kako su naša tijela zlatna sredina i kako dolazi do implozije. Ako ste zainteresovani za te teme, onda imamo nekoliko video zapisa koji će vam pomoći u toj oblasti plus daćemo vam neke demonstracije. Ako ima ikoga od vas u publici koji slučajno ima neku emociju, ima li koga ovdje? Uradićemo neke demonstracije u sobi za seks.
Dakle, ono što sam se nadao da ću postići u ovih nekoliko minuta koje sam morao razgovarati s vama je da vam pomognem da shvatite da je tijelo elektronski uređaj koji ima više baterija i da se kronična bolest javlja kada te baterije ne izdrže punjenje , a da ozdraviti uključuje da identifikujete koji paketi baterija vam kvare, identifikujete razlog zašto vam one kvare i da to popravite tako da je to ono što mi radimo. Kao da dolaziš s posla i otvoriš frižider i vruće je unutra i lampa u dnevnoj sobi se neće upaliti, TV u spavaćoj sobi se neće upaliti, a ti izađeš u garažu i okreneš se prekidač i sada sve radi. To je način na koji mi sada radimo medicinu. Dok otkrijemo koji su prekidači isključeni, idemo to popraviti,
Hvala vam što ste mi dozvolili da budem ovde.
Podijelite ovo:
Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
The macula in your eye, today is only 48 hours old. In other words, you get new cells in your macular every 48 hours. The lining of your gut is three weeks old, the skin you’re sitting in today in six weeks old, your liver is eight weeks old, and your nervous system is eight months old. We are constantly wearing ourselves out and having to make new cells. It turns out then that the chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
Let me say that one more time. Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
If that’s the case then we need to ask ourselves the question, “What does it take to make a new cells that work?
As I mentioned, it takes -25 millivolts for a cell to run but to make a new one it takes double that, it takes -50 millivolts. And then in addition to having a voltage to make new cells we have to have all of the nutrients to make a new cell. So if your house gets blown down with a tornado and you have to build a new one, guess what, you have to have everything you need to make it, you can’t build a new house with door knobs and bathroom tiles, you have to have shingles and rafters and doors and windows and say, you have to have everything it takes. And this is a big mistake people make when they’re trying to get well as they try one substance at a time: “Well, I want to see what works”. It is not going to work because you have to have everything all at one time to build a new cell. We have to have -50 millivolts of energy, we have to have everything it takes to make the cell, and then we have to deal with any of the toxins that are hanging around that damage cells as fast as we make them. The most common toxins we have to deal with are heavy metals like mercury, toxins coming out of our teeth, and GMO foods with the pesticide called Round RoundUp or glyphosate.
Remarkable insight into the electrical architecture and power supply of the human body. After watching the talk I realized that the very simple reason we sleep is in order to recharge our batteries. Cells that we are made of are electrical capacitors and it takes time to literally fill these capacitors once they are discharged. Scientific American just had a big article speculating why we sleep and not a word about electrical laws that govern how power is generated and released instead again going into the metaphysical domain.
Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
Emotions are stored in the body as magnetic fields.
Every circle of DNA is golden mean. What that means is that the diameters is 1.618 times the height and so forth, and any place in the universe where there is something that’s golden mean or in the shape of platonic solid it will cause implosion of scalar energy. Because our DNA is golden mean the scalar implode into it and gives it its charge so that it has the energy to do its job.
The body is an electronic device which has multiple battery packs and the chronic disease occurs when those battery packs won’t hold a charge, and that getting well involves you identifying which battery packs are failing you, identifying the reason that they’re failing you and fixing that.
As we figure out which circuit breakers are out, we go fix it, turn you back on and let your body heal itself which it does very well if it has the voltage, the nutrients and deal with the toxins.
Healing is Voltage: The Handbook
Healing is Voltage: Acupuncture Muscle Batteries: An Atlas
I want to thank the organizers of this conference for inviting me. It’s a little bit unusual, I think, to have an eye surgeon speaking to physicists, but nevertheless, I’m honored that you would allow me to come and share some thoughts with you about the role of voltage in the body.
So what our emotions? People talk about having them, but most people don’t have a good definition of what they really are and how they work. In addition, in over 50 years I’ve been in medicine, people have talked sort of in passing about the mind-body connection, but I found it was difficult to getting by it explained to me what that meant. How does that really work? Well they say: “Well if you have emotions, they make you get sick.” Okay, how’s that work? And I found it difficult to find any solution or answer to that question.
The reality is that none of us can get through life without having emotional events. We have losses, loved ones die or disappoint us, our dreams go unfulfilled, we go bankrupt, we have car wrecks, we suffer injuries, all sorts of things happen, and then, of course, we now have this big epidemic in our country, of soldiers returning from war and committing suicide.
This business about post-traumatic stress syndrome, is becoming a major issue for us and nobody really knows how to handle it. And here’s a list of all of the various things that can happen with us but we find that more and more people that aren’t soldiers are having post-traumatic stress syndrome as well, so we need to get a handle on how to deal with that.
Signs & Symptoms: PTSD Adapted from DSM-IV-TR (2009) p.468
When this Time magazine cover came out, we were only losing one soldier a day and now it’s up to twenty a day. Twenty of our veterans a day are committed suicide, so we obviously need to figure out a way to deal with that. The reality is that deployment and suicide are not necessarily related and there are studies that have been done, but the important point of the military suicides is that pharmaceuticals are not very effective.
Suicide rates were similar regardless of deployment status. There were 1,162 suicides among those who deployed and 3,879 among those who didn’t, representing suicide rates per 100,000 person-years of 18.86 and 17.78, respectively. Leaving the military significantly increased suicide risk, however, with a suicide rate of 26.06 after separating from service compared with 15.12 for those who remained in uniform. Those who left sooner had a greater risk, with a rate of 48.04 among those who spent less than a year in the military.
Most people know that, and the studies have been done to show that there’s really not a pharmaceutical that does very much in helping deal with suicides and the emotions that go with it.
If you have treatment failures, it usually means you’re using the wrong paradigm. I’m going to suggest to you a different paradigm as we go through the day, but I’d first like to tell you how I ended up sitting in this chair.
I’m trained as an ophthalmologist in an atomic plastic surgery and I did the majority of the research for the laser that’s used in Lasik surgery for a company called VISX and I had a lot of fun doing that research but unfortunately we didn’t know at the time that the laser wouldn’t kill viruses. So as I would be treating eyes and particularly I treated this one fellow from India that had scars on his cornea and I used the laser to remove those scars but he had leukemia. Well, we didn’t know that the laser wouldn’t kill viruses and so the viruses came up off his eye through my mask into my nose and into my brain and I developed encephalitis. The result of that was that I could see a patient and know what was wrong with him but I couldn’t remember how to write a prescription. In addition to that, I developed fasting movement, so I’d be sitting there and do something like that which doesn’t work really well if you’re operating inside somebody’s eyeball.
For all of those reasons I had to quit working at the end of a November in 1995, so I spent about sixteen hours a day in bed sleeping and I had two or three hours a day in which I could think clearly enough to understand a newspaper and then like a light switch would go off and I couldn’t understand it anymore. During those two or three hours a day that I could think I had to figure out how to get myself well because the best doctors I could find at NIH in Boston and New York and wherever just said, “Well you got three viruses in your brain. We don’t know what to do about it. Go home and don’t call us, we’ll call you.”
During those two or three hours a day that I could think I began to try to figure out how to get myself well and I began to think about the fact that all the cells in the body work very much the same even though they look different. If I could figure out how to make one cell work, I could make them all work. I went out and bought 10 or 15 books on cellular biology and started to read in them, which I hadn’t done for about thirty years.
One of the things that resonated to me with those various books was the fact that cells are designed to run at a pH of 7.35 to 7.45. I didn’t really know too much about the pH. I remembered that was something have to do with acid-base balance but it didn’t really know a great deal more about it. As I began to look at pH I began to realize that pH describes voltage in a liquid. If you think about the wires that are bringing the voltage into these lights and to your computers, et cetera, that’s conductive electricity, of course with electrons flowing through a copper wire. But if you talk about a solution, a solution has the opportunity to be the electron donor or an electron stealer. In order to figure out which it is, use a sophisticated voltmeter if so to speak, called a pH meter, and when you measure liquid with a pH meter, it will give you either the pH or you can flip a switch and it will read it out in millivolts.
The reality then is voltage in a liquid we call pH, and by convention if you find that the solution is an electron stealer you put a plus sign in front of the voltage and if it’s an electron donor you put a minus sign in front of it, and then you convert the voltage that you measure with a logarithmic scale going from zero to 14 and call at pH. Plus 400 millivolts of electron stealer is the same as a pH of zero, whereas minus 400 millivolts of electron donor is the same thing as a pH of 14. And if it’s neutral, if it’s neither the electron stealer nor electron donor than that’s a pH of 7. When we say that cells must run at a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 we are saying that cells must run between -20 and -25 millivolts.
Guess what? Cells need energy to work. That makes sense.
People sometimes get confused with these numbers because if you take a cell in a petri dish and you put an electrode inside the cell and one outside the cell and you measure across the cell membrane you’ll get about -90 millivolts. But hopefully, not very many of you have your cells in petri dishes. But, in the environment of this body, they’re designed to run at -20 to -25 millivolts.
One of the things that you will find is the characteristic of essentially all chronic disease is that you have low voltage going to that organ.
Healing is Voltage
We are constantly wearing ourselves out and needing to make new cells. Different sources give slightly different times. Studies are based on tissue turnover time from natural stable isotope labeling. It varies according to bomb testing.
How quickly do different cells in the body replace themselves?
The macula in your eye, today is only 48 hours old. In other words, you get new cells in your macular every 48 hours. The lining of your gut is three weeks old, the skin you’re sitting in today in six weeks old, your liver is eight weeks old, and your nervous system is eight months old. We are constantly wearing ourselves out and having to make new cells. It turns out then that the chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
Let me say that one more time. Chronic disease only occurs when you lose the ability to make new cells that work.
If that’s the case then we need to ask ourselves the question, “What does it take to make a new cells that work?
As I mentioned, it takes -25 millivolts for a cell to run but to make a new one it takes double that, it takes -50 millivolts. And then in addition to having a voltage to make new cells we have to have all of the nutrients to make a new cell. So if your house gets blown down with a tornado and you have to build a new one, guess what, you have to have everything you need to make it, you can’t build a new house with door knobs and bathroom tiles, you have to have shingles and rafters and doors and windows and say, you have to have everything it takes. And this is a big mistake people make when they’re trying to get well as they try one substance at a time: “Well, I want to see what works”. It is not going to work because you have to have everything all at one time to build a new cell. We have to have -50 millivolts of energy, we have to have everything it takes to make the cell, and then we have to deal with any of the toxins that are hanging around that damage cells as fast as we make them. The most common toxins we have to deal with are heavy metals like mercury, toxins coming out of our teeth, and GMO foods with the pesticide called Round RoundUp or glyphosate.
What does it take to make new cells that work?
Because the human body is a portable electronic device, like all electronic devices, it has to have a battery pack or multiple battery packs. The reality is that we have four different packs. The largest one of all is our muscles. Our muscles are piezoelectric. For those of you who aren’t physicists that funny word piezoelectricity means that if you stress a substance and it emits electrons that’s called piezoelectricity. When I move my muscles I’m generating electrons. Which is by the way why exercise is so important because exercise is the way the human body is designed to recharge your own personal battery pack.
What is the body’s voltage system? The body has four battery packs
The reality is also that our muscles are rechargeable batteries. We have then these large muscles which are our main batteries and then these muscle battery packs are all hooked to our cell membranes. Now, cell membranes are capacitors. So what is a capacitor? A capacitor is a small battery and the way our cell membranes are designed is with a couple of opposing layers of funny fats called phospholipids, and these fats have a ball and then two legs. While the balls are electron conductors, the legs are insulators. So when you put them like this, you have two conductors separated by insulator which by definition is a capacitor, which means its stores electrons. And then inside the cell we have a mitochondria and inside the mitochondria we have another rechargeable battery system. When that battery system is charged up we call it ATP and then as it gives away its electrons and discharges we call it ADP.
Because we have a rechargeable battery system inside our mitochondria guess what else we need in there. A battery charger. The battery charger inside the cell is called the citric acid cycle or the CREB cycle. The CREB cycle runs on primarily fatty acids, and as you put fatty acids through the CREB cycle it creates electrons and for every unit of fatty acids that you put through the CREB cycle, if oxygen is present, you get enough electrons to charge up to 38 of these ATP batteries.
In addition, we have the DNA. We generally tend to look at DNA inside of ourselves from the side, and it looks like we took a couple of step ladders and twisted them. But if you look at it from the top it looks like this.
Every circle of DNA is golden mean. What that means is that the diameters is 1.618 times the height and so forth, and any place in the universe where there is something that’s golden mean or in the shape of platonic solid it will cause implosion of scalar energy. Because our DNA is golden mean the scalar implode into it and gives it its charge so that it has the energy to do its job.
We have our muscles stacked one on top of each other in a very specific order like stack in batteries in a flash light. Surrounding the stack of muscle batteries we have a substance called fascia which is very much like a stocking. Fascia is that shiny stuff you see when you carve the Christmas turkey. The interesting thing about fascia is that fascia is a semiconductor. So what is semiconductor? Semiconductor is a collection of molecules arranged in such a way that electrons move through it at the speed of light but only in one direction.
We have then this continuous stack of muscles going from our toes up to our brain or from our fingers up to our brain and surrounded by this stocking which serves basically as the wiring system for the body. We have then the stack of muscle batteries surrounded by the fascia so that every organ in the body has its own battery pack. Because every organ in the body has its own battery pack we have the ability to isolate and measure that voltage and figure out why that organ is functioning. Stack of muscle batteries is what’s been called an acupuncture meridian. An acupuncture meridian is simply a stack of muscle batteries.
This is an example of an acupuncture meridian called a spleen meridian.
Spleen meridian starts down in the big toe, goes up the inside of the leg, then there’s a special branch as you can see, it goes over to the female genitalia, then it goes around the back where it gets the adrenal glands, the spleen and the pancreas, then it goes on up into the neck and makes a loop and hooks into what is called a stomach circuit, and then the stomach circuit gets the macula of the eye. By the way, if anybody has macular degeneration, it is because you have a low voltage in your stomach circuit. It powers the frontal lobes, which is the thinking part of your brain, then it gets the thyroid, the breast, the stomach, the male genitalia and then back down to the big toe. So it makes a loop.
We have six of these loops of muscle batteries that provide the 25 millivolts you need for the organs to work and the 50 millivolts to repair them. Chronic disease occurs when one of these muscle battery packs won’t hold a charge.
Spleen/Stomach Circuit
That leads us to the question: Why won’t that battery pack hold a charge?
Muscle Battery Packs
There is a checklist that you can go through to try to figure out why it why it won’t hold a charge, but basically you have to look at thyroid hormone, because the thyroid Harmon T3 controls the voltage of every cell membrane in the body and T2 controls the voltage in the mitochondria. You have to be sure and get the thyroid hormone levels correct. Then if you were to put a scar across one of these circuits, if you put a scar across one of these muscle battery packs here, it is going to short it out and drain off some of the voltage.
Scars can be a significant problem but the only scars that really take you completely down are those on the main line, on your main cable. A scar across your knee will generally just lower it a few millivolts but enough to cause some problems.
In addition, emotions are stored in the body as magnetic fields. So if you have a magnetic field, it is stuck in one of these muscle battery packs here, it’s going to block the voltage, so it won’t go through.
And then finally, dental infections are a significant problem because each of these circuits go through very specific teeth.
Here you see that we have this main cable that goes up the back and down the front, and then from that main cable you get the voltage coming from our arms and our legs, and they’d come up to these lateral terminals, and then from those lateral terminals they go to this central one, and then it starts looping around the body, and as it loops around the back it has the option then of going out and attaching to the ganglia that are up and down the spinal cord which we call the autonomic ganglia, and then from the autonomic ganglia it goes to every organ in the body.
These are the human body’s wiring and battery pack systems and whenever you have chronic disease you will have failure of one of these electronic systems. Whenever you have some sort of illness you simply have to start out asking the question: So what’s the battery pack to that illness? If you have heart disease, you would say: What’s the battery pack for the heart? Well, it’s obviously the heart muscle battery pack.
There are others that are not as obvious. For example, a spleen stomach circuit is the power supply for the entire endocrine system, the entire reproductive system in both males and females, the macula of the eye, and the thinking part of the brain. And of course, when that system goes out, which is one the more common ones to go out, then you start having failure of those organ systems.
How do we know if the voltage is low in a circuit? Well, we have the ability to measure it with certain acupuncture points using what amounts to a specially designed ohm-meter.
As we begin to identify the power pack that is not working correctly we have two things in front of us: one is to figure out why that battery pack won’t hold a charge, and then the second is to try to recharge the battery pack while we’re figuring out how to fix the reason that we got into trouble in the first place.
Muscle Battery Packs
We have developed this device called a bio-transducer that puts out both electromagnetic and scalar energy and if you simply aim it at the failing organ you can begin to recharge the cells in that organ itself. And then you want to come behind it and to charge the muscle battery packs.
Charge the Muscle Battery Pack
These diagrams that we have here where you see the red and the black dots show you where to put the polarity because every battery pack like every other battery you are aware of has its terminals in polarity. So you take patches and you stick the patches on to where the terminals of that battery pack that doesn’t have enough charge, hook it on to the bio modulator which is a little portable device that looks a bit like a computer mouse, and it puts out wave forms that are designed to implode energy and transfer energy to the cells and recharge your muscle battery packs. So you are recharging the organ or you recharging the muscle battery packs while you’re working on figuring out why that battery pack won’t hold a charge in the first place.
One of the interesting things is that our bodies are wired up like many circuit boards.
As you know, many electronic circuit boards use Tesla resonating circuits. A Tesla resonating circuit is a combination of a capacitor and a coil wired in parallel. When you do that, it has the ability to communicate with other systems that are a combination of Tesla resonating circuits.
In the body, the long is always wired to the large intestine, the heart is always wired to the small intestine, the spleen and pancreas are always wired to the stomach, the kidney is always wired to the bladder, and the liver is always wired to the gall bladder, each of these created in a Tesla resonating circuit, and because they are Tesla circuits they are able to communicate with each other.
So one part of our body knows what’s going on in the other part of the body because we are wired up with the Tesla resonating circuits.
All of these various circuits in the body go through very specific teeth. The teeth act like circuit breakers.
If you began to have an infection in one of your teeth it will at first reduce the voltage in that circuit and later actually switch it off. The spleen stomach circuit we’ve been talking about is the one that you see in yellow here, it’s the upper molars and lower premolars. If you have an infection in an upper molar it is going to begin to affect your spleen stomach circuit which means it is going to affect your entire reproductive system, your entire endocrine system, the thinking part of your brain, and the macula of your eye. Most people with macular degeneration have an infection in an upper molar on the same side as their macular degeneration.
One of the issues then is how do teeth enter into this whole system?
Why won’t the battery pack hold a charge?
It turns out that the teeth appear to function similar to the way that a lymph node does in the lymphatic system. If you have infection in your lymphatic system and it goes up the lymphatics it gets caught and trapped in a lymph node. Emotions are trapped in the body as magnetic fields and those magnetic fields tend to end up being trapped in the teeth. What you’ll find is that the majority of chronic illness actually begins with an emotional event. Let me say it one more time. The majority of chronic disease actually begins as an emotional event, and that emotion is a magnetic field that starts blocking the circuit by getting caught in one of the teeth and as it does so it begins to lower the voltage in the tooth.
Dr. Steinman showed that every tooth has within it a pump that pumps fluid from inside the tooth to inside the mouth and that’s what keeps you from getting cavities. Your kids will be happy to know that it’s not Snicker bars that cause their cavities, it is the failure of this pump. When the pump begins to fail infection comes from the mouth into the tooth and begins to cause decay. Emotion lowers the voltage enough in the tooth that the pump begins to fail, and then you begin to get a cavity, and then you begin to get a crown, and then you can begin to eventually keep going until you get a root canal and then that leads eventually to having a malignancy.
Dr. Steinman’s Research
Roggenkamp, Clyde, PhD, Dentinal Fluid Transport, Loma Linda, Calif., Loma Linda Univ. Press, 2004 |
Again, most of the chronic disease begins as emotions.
Emotions and Chronic Disease As voltage in a circuit is blocked by an emotional magnetic field, the lowering of voltage starts the cascade of chronic disease. |
Obviously, there are some circumstances where that’s not the case. If you were living in Tokyo when Fukujima blew up and you were radiated that’s not necessarily an emotional event in the sense that you may not had known that you just got radiated but it’s going to make you sick. But generally speaking, most of the chronic disease we can trace back to emotion that has blocked a particular muscle battery pack by blocking the tooth that’s involved with it.
When you look at this particular slide, you might ask the question didn’t anybody ever teach you not to put so many numbers on one slide?
Well, I did it on purpose because I wanted you to get the gestalt of it. What you will see here is that a pH of 7.35 is the same as minus 20 millivolts, and 7.44 is the same as minus 25. That’s where our cells normally run, but as voltage begins to drop then things begin to get worse and worse for us until we finally get down to plus 30 millivolts. All cancers occur at plus 30 millivolts.
What you see is that normal tissue is running as electron donor at minus 25 millivolts and as you go past zero you have flipped the polarity. That is, every battery, as you know, has a plus on one and a minus on the other end and as you drain a battery all the way to zero it flips its polarity upside down. When the polarity reverses in and it gets all the way down to plus 30 millivolts is when malignancies occurred.
We don’t have time to really go into that much detail today but the amount of oxygen that will dissolve in water is dictated by the voltage of the water, so as the water inside of our cells has lower and lower voltage than the oxygen in the cell comes out of the cell and disappears and when you finally flip the polarity there is so little oxygen capability in the cell that the stem cells recognize that signal that: Hey, we just ran out of oxygen here, please help. And so, stem cells go over and invade the local blood supply and create a mass of blood vessels that we call a cancer which is indistinguishable from a placenta in a pregnant female. So basically, all solid tumors are placentas which is the body’s way of responding to lack of voltage and oxygen.
If we begin then to think about the way that this works, think about my thumb.
My thumb is a perfectly good thumb by the way, it runs in what voltage? Minus 25 millivolts. Now if I hit it with a hammer and destroy some cells in my thumb what is going to happen is that the thumb is immediately going to go to minus 50 millivolts. Minus 50 millivolts causes the arterials to dilate and the reason that happens of course is we need the raw materials dumped at the curb there, so to speak, so that we can rebuild the cells we destroyed with the hammer. But when those capillaries dilate we get all the signs we normally call inflammation, we have redness, we have swelling, we have heat, we have a pulsing pain, and it makes you say bad words. My thumb gets busy and it makes new cells to replace those I smashed with a hammer, it goes back to minus 25 millivolts and I’m a happy camper.
But on the other hand, if when I smashed my thumb the power supply going to the thumb is inadequate to provide the minus 50 millivolts I need to make new cells, then my thumb won’t heal and I am stuck in chronic disease. You see that? So I can take all the pills I want, I can do all the surgery I want on the thumb but it will never get well until I do what? Insert enough electrons to get me up to minus 50 millivolts.
If you understand what I just told you about the thumb you understand basically my whole lecture, so I can go home now. Oh no, I still have a little bit more. But the point is that chronic disease occurs when you don’t have enough voltage to make new cells. As voltage begins to drop the oxygen begins to drop and when oxygen drops there are several bad things that begin to happen.
The one of the things that, as I mentioned earlier, is that you begin to have less ATP, which is the voltage inside the cell that cell needs to do its business.
I also mentioned to you that that because of the CREB cycle, being able to recharge 38 of these ATP batteries for every unit of fatty acid you put through the CREB cycle, that’s only true if oxygen is available. If oxygen is unavailable then for every unit of fatty acid you put through the battery charger you only have enough electrons to charge up two batteries. So it’s a bit like having a car that goes from 38 miles a gallon to two miles a gallon. Your cells become very inefficient.
As voltage drops switch from aerobic (O2 available) to anaerobic (O2 unavailable) metabolism
In addition to having inefficiency of the intercellular voltage we have problems with bugs.
The body contains perhaps trillion bugs of various kinds and the majority of them are suppressed by oxygen, but as oxygen levels begin to drop because voltage drops then these bugs wake up, and the first thing the bugs want to do is have lunch and they want to have you for lunch. Bugs don’t have teeth that they can take a bite out of you, so instead they put out digestive enzymes to dissolve your cells so they can get the nutrients. Think about having a sore throat. The strep bacteria on your tonsils having a picnic and they are having a good old time but you have the worlds worst sore throat, you have headache, you have fever, you have vomiting, you have diarrhea, your joints hurt, you have a miserable day, and it’s because the bugs are having their way by putting out these digestive enzymes to get their nutrients out of the cells.
As voltage and oxygen drop more and more these microorganisms lose their cell membranes and become what have been called cell wall deficient organisms or stealth pathogens. One of the problems with that is, first of all, you can’t culture them. Secondly, you don’t see them with the standard microscope, you need one of these fancy microscopes called phase contrast or dark field microscope. These bugs put out various toxins that begin to damage the local tissue. Often what we call an auto-immune disease is simply these bugs having their way with your local tissue, as they put out their toxins you get the signs of inflammation and swelling and so forth. But if you try to culture anything or look at a biopsy of that area you don’t see anything because normal hospitals and physicians offices don’t use one of these microscopes to where you can actually see them.
In these images on the screen you see these various all efficient bugs inside red blood cells consuming them. In the lower right you see where I took red blood cells, put it under a cover slip on a microscope slide, and let it sit there for a few hours to consume all of the oxygen and you see lyme crawling out of the red cells. Everybody in this room has lyme disease, it’s just whether or not your immune system has the ability to deal with it, whether you have symptoms from it.
As the voltage gets down toward plus 30 millivolts, then this cell wall deficient fungus shows up and you begin to have these kinds of sales. This is a blood from a fellow who had leukemia and you can see the fungal forms in his blood.
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Emotion to chronic disease While the lowering of voltage progresses from discomfort to organ malfunction, dental infections are progressing as well. | ||
I want to go to talk to you a minute more about teeth because that’s terribly important in the understanding how to get people well. If you look at the lower left image you see a car battery that has corrosion around it which means that the alternator and that car is going to have trouble keeping that battery charged up. Well, the tooth just above it is attached to a muscle battery. But it also has corrosion and thus it also has trouble keeping that battery charged up. And then as corrosion in either your car battery or tooth gets worse over time then it gets harder and harder and harder and harder to keep your battery packs charged up. Eventually in the car battery the corrosion will come outside the battery itself and start corroding through your battery cable, which now means you now have a total short circuit and your car won’t start.
This process occurs in the body when the infection in the tooth moves out into the bone. When you have infection in a bone around a tooth it actually works just like a circuit breaker and takes down that circuit. There are two circumstances in which that occurs. One is a root canal tooth which is of course a dead tooth. Most of you may know the way you do a root canal you drill a little hole in the top of tooth and you put an arder down and you rip out the arder and you rip out the nerve and kill the tooth and then you fill it with putty. The problem is that now the tooth is dead and all dead tissue gets infected. The dentists are the only physicians that believe you can get away with leaving dead tissue in the body. No other doctor believes that.
One root canal tooth shuts down 63% of your immune system. What makes it worse is that it then gets into the bone and when it gets into the bone it shuts off that circuit. So now the voltage drops significantly in that circuit and that’s why you find it.
We looked at all the cancer patients we’ve seen in our clinic. In 95% of them are associated with the root canal or an infected bone where a tooth had been pulled. 95%! Leading contributor to cancer is having an infection in the bone around one of the teeth.
In addition to root canal there’s a problem with teeth get pulled because teeth are held into the bone by a ligament called a periodontal ligament. What dentists are trained to do is wiggle the tooth, make it loose, take it out, put a stitch in and quit leaving the ligament behind. When you do that it’s very hard for the bone to heal because the ligaments are in the way. Even if the dentist happens to be one who takes the time to scrape out that ligament, because the mouth is such a dirty place, oftentimes people get infection in the bone during the first few days of healing once a tooth been pulled. And that’s called a cavitation, by the way. So whether you have infection from a root canal or from a cavitation it tends to shut down the circuit and one of the problems is that infection in the bone then tends to move over and take out the next circuit.
A huge problem is that our kids are in high school and they go to the dentist and they say, “Oh you gotta get your wisdom teeth out. It’s that old thing of, what if you go to Midas you get a muffler.
A study came out last year showing that 65% of root canal extractions were unnecessary. Nevertheless, they get their wisdom teeth pulled and now they start getting infection in that area, and the wisdom teeth circuit is hard small intestine, but listen, it’s the autonomic nervous system. Autonomic nervous system is the body’s on/off switches. So all of a sudden, within days after getting their wisdom teeth extracted, the kids have lost their on/off switch, which means that their body doesn’t allow to control itself. Then over time it begins to move next door and take out the spleen/stomach circuit. Now remember that the spleen circuit is the power supply to the adrenal glands. So now, soon they’ve lost their control panel, their on/off system, and then they lose their adrenals, so they can’t deal with stress, and so they begin to become what many people say, “Oh, he’s just a teenager.” Well, he’s not just a teenager, he’s lost his ability, the whole way the body deals with stress. And so many of our kids hide themselves within electronics because within the electronics they have an on/off switch. In their body they don’t. So they can’t deal with the real world anymore. And so they hide within their cellphones and their Game Boys or whatever you call them.
Nevertheless, this is a huge problem.
When you lose your ability to make adrenalin you go down the following slippery slope, you have trouble going to sleep, you have trouble dealing with stress, you have trouble with your memory, and then you can’t multitask. So you’re sitting reading a book or watching TV and somebody says, “Hey, do you want mustard or mayonnaise?” You become very annoyed because they interrupted you. But you don’t have the middle horse power to stay attached to whatever you were doing, so you detach, you pick mustard, you go back to your book, and now you can’t remember your place, and you’re even more annoyed. And then it gets to where you don’t like any stimulus, so you don’t like loud noises, loud music, rowdy crowds, can’t be around people or arguing, and eventually it gets to where you don’t even want to be touched, you just want to sit in the corner and have people leave you the heck alone. And then your sexual quits working, and then you can’t go to sleep before 11, and when you wake up you’re still tired. All of that’s due to loss of spleen power supply to your adrenals.
Well, what I’ve just described, of course is very destructive. If you can’t deal with the life of the world, you can’t be a good spouse and particularly if your sexual equipment doesn’t work anymore then that’s a big problem in a marriage. You can’t be a good parent because kids make noise and want something from you and you have nothing to give. You can’t be a good worker, you can’t be a good friend, you can’t be good at much of anything, so your life is in the toilet simply because you’ve lost the spleen circuit that goes to the adrenal glands, and that’s a huge problem in our society.
Emotions are stored in teeth, affecting that circuit Different researchers have identified which emotion are stored in which circuits
I spoke earlier about mapping the field of emotions and this is the traditional Chinese one, so that the various circuits have to these various sorts of emotions get stuck in these various particular places or in the teeth that are associated with these.
Dr. Bennis published these:
Elieen has published hers which is this group of where things get stuck:
“Just as the brain is compartmentalized with different areas responsible for different functions, so is the BioField, with specific areas holding information related to specific emotions, states of mind, and relationships.” |
As far as the erasing emotions is concerned, because emotions are magnetic field you can erase them with a stronger magnetic field. One of the laws of physics is if you take any magnet and you put a stronger magnet over it then the weaker magnet assumes the characteristics of the stronger one. When you have these emotions that are stuck you can begin to erase them in a variety of different ways. There are several groups over the years that have looked at this subject and tried to figure out how to do it yet.
Erasing Emotional Magnetic Fields
We had developed one where you can, if you can think about emotion while holding to these hand grips with your bio-modulator, you can erase the emotion, but when we did that we were doing in one emotion at the time, and of course, Eileen talked to you this morning about using her tuning fork to do it which is very effective.
What I have recently found out is that if you treat the wisdom teeth which treats your autonomic nervous system, then you can not only change the polarity in all of your various circuits at one time but you can also knock out many of the emotions automatically.
Pendulum is actually like a single string on a guitar and the weight on the pendulum makes the streak talk, so when it is moved, it’s actually resonating with whatever frequency the string is. What you do is you hold this pendulum over the heart small intestine autonomic system and you take the bio transducer, and simply put it over the wisdom teeth and you watch the pendulum and it will always be spinning backwards if the voltage is low counter clock-wise and you keep holding it there and pretty soon it will slow down and then it will start spinning clockwise.
And then you do the same on the other side holding the pendulum them over the heart small intestine circuit, put the bio-transducer over the autonomic system where you can access the tooth, watch it spin backwards and then in the correct way. And now when you go back and check all of the circuits, you’ve corrected the polarity in every circuit, and many of the emotions that you had found in the BioField are already gone as well.
More Information
For further discussion of Golden Mean, Implosion of energy into cells, the Bowling Ball Syndrome, etc., beyond the time limitations of this presentation, see the Senergy Medical Group representatives. |
Unfortunately, I don’t have the time to talk to you about how we’re wired up with polarity and how our bodies are golden mean and how implosion occurs. If you are interested in those subjects then we have some videos that will help you in that area plus we’ll be giving some demonstration. If there are any of you in the audience who happen to have any emotion, anybody here? We’ll be doing some demonstrations in the breakout room.
So what I’ve hoped to accomplish in these few minutes I had to talk with you is to help you understand that the body is an electronic device which has multiple battery packs and the chronic disease occurs when those battery packs won’t hold a charge, and that getting well involves you identifying which battery packs are failing you, identifying the reason that they’re failing you and fixing that so that it’s basically what we’re doing. It is like you coming home from work and open the fridge and it’s hot in there and the lamp in the living room won’t turn on, the TV in the bedroom won’t turn on, and you go out in the garage and flip the circuit breaker and now everything thing works. That’s the way we do medicine now. As we figure out which circuit breakers are out, we go fix it, turn you back on and let your body heal itself which it does very well if it has the voltage, the nutrients and deal with the toxins.
Thank you for allowing me to be here.